After Crazed Woman Threatens To Assassinate Trump – She Gets Tough Justice From the Judge
By Sean Kerrvin|August 22, 2023
After Crazed Woman Threatens To Assassinate Trump – She Gets Tough Justice From the Judge

What’s Happening:

The lack of accountability for people’s actions seems to be getting out of control. Some people think it’s now OK to go after the president of the United States. What the “anything goes” social media world doesn’t appear to teach these scoundrels is that there are consequences for violent threats against other people.

Especially the president no matter when he served. A Chicago-area woman is about to face the full force of the law after she let loose with a brazen threat to kill the former president.

From Fox News:

“I will state that I will shoot Donald Trump Sr. AND Barron Trump straight in the face at any opportunity I get!,” Tracy Marie Fiorenza said in a May 21 email to the head of an educational institution in the Palm Beach, Florida, area, according to an affidavit accompanying the complaint.

The 41-year-old was arrested Monday morning on a charge of transmitting threats to kill or injure, according to the U.S. attorney’s office in Chicago. The U.S. District Court in southern Florida is where the case was filed earlier this month. Donald Trump maintains his primary residence in Palm Beach.

This alleged threat against Trump appears to be part of a pattern with this woman.

She allegedly wrote a a similar email on June 5, saying she would “slam a bullet” into Barron Trump “with his father IN SELF DEFENSE!,” according to the affidavit submitted by a U.S. Secret Service agent.

Anyone with this kind of attitude toward a former president is going to need help, especially for the criminal proceedings that follow. It’s good to see the slow wheels of justice working to protect conservatives against such violent threats.

Threats against conservatives have been flowing out of schools like water from a faucet for far too long. Schools were once hotbeds of free thought and intelligent discourse but are now the breeding ground of hotheads with violent tendencies. Why does anyone go into debt personally or for the kids at costly schools at any level?

It’s good to know that Trump is still protected by the justice system from rogue threats. It would be nice if the justice system would apply that same protection for him against the rogue elements within the system that want to destroy him politically. Wouldn’t it be nice to see charges against these types of legal scoundrels?

Key Takeaways:

  • Woman faces serious charges after threatening Trump and his son.
  • She allegedly threated to “slam a bullet” into Barron Trump.
  • Good news is that federal agents arrested and charged the woman.

Source: Fox News

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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