White House Cocaine Scandal Gets Shock Update – New Report Shakes Up Washington Swamp
By Mick Farthing|August 9, 2023
White House Cocaine Scandal Gets Shock Update – New Report Shakes Up Washington Swamp

What’s Happening:

Americans were shocked to learn that cocaine was found on the White House grounds. Despite initial claims, we learned it was left behind in a section only White House staff and reporters go. Many had speculated on where the drugs had come from. Some pointed the finger at Joe himself, who regularly lets his son–a known addict–visit.

The Secret Service conducted an investigation. And, big surprise, they claimed they could not discover who left behind the drugs. Trump himself called false on that, saying there are cameras everywhere; one of them had to have captured the culprit. And now, a new report is making a bold claim about who really left the drugs.

From The Post Millennial:

It is alleged that President Biden is aware of the identity of the individual in question, as per claims made by Susan Katz Keating, the publisher of Soldier of Fortune…

According to Keating’s account, despite the Secret Service announcing on July 13 that the investigation had been closed due to a lack of tangible evidence, authorities were able to follow leads that led to a name. They were confident enough in their findings to brief the president.

Yikes. According to a report from Soldier of Fortune’s Susan Katz Keating, someone within the “Biden family orbit” was responsible for the cocaine. Three confidential security sources told Keating that the Secret Service did discover clues that led to a name.

And it is possible they told Joe Biden.

This flies in the face of the official report, that the agency could not uncover the identity of the drug user.

What does it mean that the Secret Service potentially lied to the American public? It’s hard not to assume they did so to protect Biden and his family. If the claims are true and that this person is within the “Biden family orbit,” then the Secret Service is covering up a crime that would implicate Biden or one of his relatives.

Hmm… I wonder who that could be? We don’t know who left the drugs–nor can we verify this new report. But it wouldn’t be a huge leap to consider Hunter Biden is responsible for this controversy. He has a known history of drug abuse. And he has special access to the White House that few others have.

Other agencies have bent the law to protect Hunter and Joe Biden. In 2020, the FBI refused to investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop. It even lied to the media and said it was “Russia disinformation.” All so that Biden’s election chances wouldn’t be affected.

Why are agencies that are supposed to uphold the law constantly bending it to help this old crook? Are Democrats so corrupt that they’d betray their own vows, to help a senile old imbecile stay in power?

I guess so.

Key Takeaways:

  • A new report suggests the White House cocaine was from someone within the “Biden family orbit.”
  • The report claims that the Secret Service discovered the culprit and reported it to Joe Biden.
  • Many suspect Hunter Biden, or someone else close to Joe, is responsible for the found drugs.

Source: The Post Millennial

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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