Trump Fans Asked 1 Critical Question – And Their Answer Just Terrified Every Democrat
Trump Fans Asked 1 Critical Question – And Their Answer Just Terrified Every Democrat

With the new year upon us, the 2024 Presidential Election will only be heating up. We are just weeks away from the first primary voting.

Americans are looking at their choices. And it seems only a few candidates will make it to November.

A recent survey asked voters what they thought about Joe Biden and Donald Trump. They asked for one word to describe Trump’s march to the White House. And what most said will have Democrats very worried.

From Breitbart:
“Revenge” is one of the top words used to describe what likely voters believe former President Donald Trump wants to achieve in a second term, a recent JLPartnersPolls/DailyMail survey found…

In contrast, the top word for Biden across all parties is “nothing” — a sentiment held by Republicans and independents, particularly.

In what should be an alarming indicator for Democrats, respondents in a recent poll revealed that many Americans believe Trump is after “revenge” in a second term as president.

Other terms included “freedom,” “peace,” and “success.” But among both Republicans and independents, a top term for Trump was revenge.

It won’t come as a mystery to most people why. Donald Trump has faced intense opposition since entering politics. Democrats have gone after his family, his businesses, and his integrity.

In contrast, voters often said “nothing” when asked about what Biden is after in a second term. Biden is widely considered a failure as a president. His agenda has stalled in recent years, as many of his policies backfired.

Democrats impeached Trump twice and liberal prosecutors are currently pressing four criminal trials against the former president. In addition to this, Trump continues to maintain that he won the 2020 Election, but it was stolen by Democrats.

And that doesn’t even address the Biden administration, which has gone out of its way to reverse most—if not all—of Trump’s successes during his first term in office.

For Americans to think Trump is after revenge in his second term is not far-fetched. And it should be a worrying thought to Democrats. Should Trump return to the White House, he might use his executive power to hold accountable those liberals who seemingly persecuted him and his many supporters.

Key Takeaways:

  • A new poll revealed many Americans think Trump is out for revenge in his second term.
  • Other terms used by voters included “freedom,” “peace,” and “success.”
  • It is possible Trump will seek revenge against Democrats, should he return to office.

Source: Breitbart

January 2, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.