Biden’s Biggest Failure Just Got Much Worse – Top U.S. Official Sounds the Alarm
Biden’s Biggest Failure Just Got Much Worse – Top U.S. Official Sounds the Alarm

After President Biden lost Afghanistan to the Taliban, the nation became a breeding ground for terrorists. An offshoot of ISIS, ISIS-K, found root in the nation. And in the absence of U.S. forces, it grew.

Just a few years later, the radical group staged an attack in Moscow. ISIS-K is being blamed for a horrific event at the Crocus City Hall, which resulted in 143 killed.

It seems that, with Joe Biden at the helm, America’s enemies are getting bolder. Nobody expected this group to strike Russia. Recently, a top Republican senator warned Americans. And now, a top U.S. official is saying much the same.

From The New York Post:
ISIS-K terrorists could cross America’s porous borders, and carry out an attack like the Moscow concert hall mass shooting that killed 143 people, a US counter-terrorism official and experts warned.

The ultra-violent offshoot of the Islamic State terror group is growing “bolder,” and its members may try to take advantage of the chaos at the US-Mexico border and seek out a “bigger” target, a current federal official told The Post, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

“An attack on US soil is definitely a possibility,” said the source. “It would certainly send a message.”

With more than 256,000 migrant encounters recorded at the southern border in February — and an unknown number of ‘gotaways’ who slipped through unnoticed — the official said ISIS-K operatives “could slip through undetected.”

A U.S. counter-terrorism official is warning America that ISIS-K can exploit Joe Biden’s border chaos to enter the United States. He is saying this group could be seeking a “bigger” target than the concert hall in Moscow.

The official said that such an attack is “definitely a possibility.” This comes after Christopher Wray, head of the FBI, testified before Congress that Middle Eastern groups hostile to the country were using the border crisis to get into the country.

Despite the major threats posed at the border, the Biden administration has not shut it down. Biden has promised to secure the border if he got funding through Congress. But he has yet to take executive action to reverse the policies he created, which started the crisis in the first place.

Numerous leaders have discussed the dangers coming from the Southern border. It should alarm every American that a group like ISIS-K can cross the border so easily, intent on doing harm.

Yet it seems Democrats are doing nothing to secure the border and prevent a horrible disaster.

Key Takeaways:

  • A counter-terrorism official has warned ISIS-K could attack the U.S.
  • The ultra-violent group could use Biden’s open border to easily enter the country.
  • The official said that because Biden is neglecting the border, the group can slip through “undetected.”

Source: The New York Post

April 1, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.