Trump Fans Expose Biggest Problem with GOP Debate – The Candidates Ignored This 1 Key Issue
By Mick Farthing|August 24, 2023
Trump Fans Expose Biggest Problem with GOP Debate – The Candidates Ignored This 1 Key Issue

What’s Happening:

This week, the top GOP candidates running for president debated… except for Donald Trump. The former president refused to attend the debate, claiming his high polling numbers meant he was safe from scrutiny. And it seems his supporters weren’t too happy to see the rest of the GOP go ahead without him.

It appears the first GOP debate was watched by many people. Republicans watched and commented online. Even some Democrats fumed, triggered by these candidates. Many Trump supporters also watched the event. Apparently, some are pointing out that a critical issue was totally ignored by the moderators.

From Breitbart:

The first Republican presidential primary debate hosted by Fox News on Wednesday featured no questions on election integrity, despite polls showing the issue is important to conservatives.

“Not one question about election Integrity tonight,” former Arizona governor candidate Kari Lake posted on X. “If we can’t talk about our broken elections, how are we ever going to be able to fix them?”

Trump supporters seemed shocked that nobody was willing to discuss the all-important issue of protecting our elections. Especially when you consider Trump maintains that he won the 2020 election.

It seems his supporters didn’t appreciate this–and they are roasting the entire evening.

From Breitbart:

Pro-Trump conservatives panned the first Republican presidential primary debate…

Sean Parnell, host of the Battleground podcast and former U.S. Senate candidate, posted on X: “For the most part, this debate was not in anyway representative of where the base of the Republican Party is.” […]

One X user called the GOP “completely out of touch with the Grass Roots.”

Ouch. It seems many Trump supporters were not impressed by the GOP debate. They claim this group of candidates is “out of touch” with the grassroots of the party. Others claimed it was like a “minor league baseball tryout.” Another critic called it a “clown show.”

We shouldn’t be surprised that Trump supporters were not impressed with these candidates. But they raise an important point. Why didn’t the moderators focus on issues that many Americans, especially Republicans, are talking about?

We don’t know the answer. But that might end up hurting these candidates, in the end.

Key Takeaways:

  • Critics blasted the GOP presidential debate over not discussing election integrity.
  • Trump supporters ridiculed the event as a “clown show” and a “minor league” tryout.
  • Donald Trump refused to attend the event, citing his high polling.

Source: Breitbart, Breitbart

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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