Latest 2024 Trump Report Rocks Washington – Even Biden Can’t Believe His Eyes
By Mick Farthing|August 10, 2023
Latest 2024 Trump Report Rocks Washington – Even Biden Can’t Believe His Eyes

What’s Happening:

Okay, can you help me keep track? So far, there have been three indictments against Donald Trump by Democrats, right? One coming from a heavily-politicized DA’s office in New York. And two coming from a Democrat DOJ special counsel with a long history of Trump hate. And word is, a politically-motivated prosecutor out of Atlanta is about to hit him with another indictment.

Does anyone think these indictments are really about what they claim? How can anyone not think Democrats are throwing everything they can at Trump now, so that he will lose the Republican primary? Democrats are going above and beyond previous attempts at derailing Trump’s popularity with American voters. And despite all that, we have a poll with these results.

From The Post Millennial:

A new national poll conducted by Premise Data revealed that voters prefer Trump over Biden in a hypothetical 2024 general election matchup…

According to the poll, conducted between August 2 to 7, 41 percent of Americans said they would vote for Trump, compared to just 34 percent for Joe Biden. A full 25 percent said they were “not sure.”

Now, do you realize why Democrats are throwing so many indictments at Trump? They spied on his campaign. They spied on his administration. They hired a special counsel during his administration. They spread false rumors about him in the media. They impeached him, twice.

And still, he remained popular. They seemingly had no choice but to use the strongest methods available to them: indictments. All in the name, it appears, of discouraging Americans from supporting him.

And we have a poll coming out today that says Trump is beating Biden 41 to 34.

Those are the worst numbers for Biden we’ve seen yet. And they came out after the latest indictment news against Trump.

What does this tell you? Well, for one thing, Americans really don’t like Joe Biden! The man has made mincemeat of our economy, national security, and global reputation. He has shut down our energy industry and funneled our cash to Ukraine.

And, another thing, this poll tells us that Americans really want Trump back. We can’t predict the 2024 outcome. And anything can happen between now and then. But this poll should really have Democrats upset, right about now.

They’ve pulled every dirty trick in the book to destroy Trump. And he is beating Biden by seven points.

Key Takeaways:

  • Donald Trump is beating Biden in a new poll, 41% to 34%.
  • This comes after Democrats indicted Trump three times.
  • Joe Biden’s approval has been historically low; his presidency appears to be a failure.

Source: The Post Millennial

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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