Trump Jr. Doesn’t Want This 1 Person on Dad’s Team – And He’ll Do Anything to Stop It
Trump Jr. Doesn’t Want This 1 Person on Dad’s Team – And He’ll Do Anything to Stop It

Politicians are famous for saying whatever they think people want to hear to get elected. No matter what the party affiliation, candidates shmooze with donors and pander to the base more often than not.

This may lead to candidates to be obligated to select groups of people once in office. One thing former President Donald Trump didn’t have to worry about was feeling obligated to anyone. He stood alone and still doesn’t pander to power players in Washington, D.C.

Trump is the odds-on favorite to garner the Republican party nomination for president next year. He’ll be looking for a vice president candidate to join the ticket. But one GOP contender is out of the picture, according to Trump’s oldest son. Nikki Haley is too connected in D.C., and Donald Trump Jr. doesn’t want her anywhere near his father’s campaign.

From Fox News:
“I wouldn’t have her on, and I would go to great lengths to make sure that that doesn’t happen,” Trump Jr. said.

His comments were part of a segment from “The Balance” on Newsmax. He doesn’t want the former South Carolina government involved in any way. He criticized her for being part of the elitist problem in D.C.

“Nikki Haley wants never-ending wars,” Trump Jr said. “She’s a puppet of the establishment in Washington D.C. She’s the new favorite candidate of the billionaire class… They want someone they control. She’s now the preferred candidate.”

Trump Jr. went on to criticize Haley as no different than academia at Harvard where the elite use their “billions to exercising influence.” He suggested Haley would attempt sabotage of his father’s campaign if she were his running mate.

“By the way, all you’d get is her and team trying to destroy Donald Trump from within, forever,” Trump Jr. said. “The second she ever got that, you know, anointment, it would be a disaster of epic proportions.”

Haley has regularly made headlines, often promoted by the liberal media, for attacking President Trump. She recently made it clear she doesn’t want the senior Trump back in the White House.

“Our world is on fire,” she said during a recent post-debate interview. “And you can’t defeat Democrat chaos with Republican chaos, and Donald Trump brings us chaos.”

Trump Jr. also wasn’t kind to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as a presidential candidate. The younger Trump questioned DeSantis’ ability to handle the job in the Oval Office.

“Ron DeSantis has proven that he doesn’t have what it takes to be on that stage,” Trump Jr. said. “He’s embarrassed himself that way.”

Key Takeaways:

  • Trump Jr. pledges to keep Nikki Haley off the 2024 ticket with his dad.
  • Haley said former President Trump would be “chaos” if reelected.
  • Trump Jr. also took a swipe at Ron DeSantis as an embarrassment.

Source: Fox News

December 29, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.