Republicans Reveal New Trump-Illegals Bill – They Just Paved the Way for Donald’s Genius Move
Republicans Reveal New Trump-Illegals Bill – They Just Paved the Way for Donald’s Genius Move

One of the worst invasions in American history has been from illegal aliens invited into the country by Joe Biden. His efforts to overrun U.S. social services in states, counties, and cities across the country has been openly promoted by leftist Democrats at all levels of government.

The ultimate goal of this invasion has been to change the voting landscape and in due time effect the electoral map that selects the president of the United States. Republicans have fumed over the influx of illegal aliens.

GOP members unveiled a plan that would hamstring Biden into the end of his term. The plan will also provide a way for former President Donald Trump to accelerate deportation if he wins the November election.

From Breitbart:
Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) and Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) are introducing legislation to force President Joe Biden to use all available detention space for migrants arriving at the United States-Mexico border while streamlining a federal program to make it easier to deport illegal aliens.

The “Reshape Alternatives to Detention (ATD) Act” would prevent Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from transforming the enforcement program, meant to monitor migrants in the U.S. who are in immigration court proceedings, into a taxpayer-funded social services program.

“The Biden Administration has allowed a tidal wave of illegal aliens to come across our southern border, which has created an unprecedented national security and humanitarian crisis,” Hagerty said in a statement.

Hagerty made it clear that Biden’s administration has refused to “enforce the laws already on the books” and made “clear efforts to dismantle detention” to “allow illegal immigrants to roam free” throughout the U.S.

Republicans want to pass the law that would require DHS to use all available detention space to detain migrants arriving at the southern border. Once all detention space is in use, the legislation would require DHS to place migrants into the ATD program with GPS monitoring instead of the current policy that allows most migrants to live throughout the U.S. without any monitoring.

Migrants would be required to have GPS monitoring by the DHS throughout their immigration court proceedings.

Government reports show there are fewer than 195,000 migrants enrolled in the ATD program. This is a fraction of the more than 6.2 million migrants listed in Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) “non-detained docket.” These millions of migrants are allowed to live freely in the U.S. while navigating immigration court proceedings.

Experts project that by October migrants living in the U.S. on the ICE non-detained list will hit an unprecedented level of more than 8 million. By comparison, there were just 3 million migrants on the list in 2019.

Republicans believe that the GPS monitoring requirement for the millions of migrants would ensure that a future administration, with a focus on removals, could handle the crisis more effectively. The process could more easily track down, detain, and deport illegal aliens who are found to have invalid claims for U.S. asylum and thus have no basis to remain in the country.

The GOP-sponsored legislation would also end the Biden administration case Management Pilot Program (CMPP) and the Young Adult Case Management Program (YACMP) which offer taxpayer-funded social services to migrants in immigration court proceedings.

Immigration is seen as a hot-button topic for Americans across all demographics heading into the 2024 presidential election in the fall. Trump has vowed to begin “the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.”

Such a policy would be welcomed by 51 percent of Americans, including 68 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of swing voters, and 42 percent of Democrats.

Key Takeaways:

  • Republicans created a plan to make deporting illegals easier under a future Trump term.
  • The “Reshape Alternatives to Detention Act” was designed to block Biden’s policies.
  • GOP leaders said Biden allowed a “tidal wave of illegal immigrants” that must be stopped.

Source: Breitbart

May 25, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.