After GOP Gives Trump a Massive Demand – Donald’s Bold Answer Shakes Up the 2024 Race
By Sean Kerrvin|August 10, 2023
After GOP Gives Trump a Massive Demand – Donald’s Bold Answer Shakes Up the 2024 Race

What’s Happening:

The current reigning champion of the Republican party isn’t interested in stepping into the ring with contenders who don’t stand a chance of becoming president. Presidential elections are often filled with lively debates that help voters sort out the candidate they want to support.

For the 2024 GOP primary run for president, the debate stage is looking to be a little less lively. Many of the candidates are polling at such low percentages that they are barely meeting the criteria to gain a spot in the debates. That has the front-runner in the GOP race changing the debates with a simple answer to a mandatory question.

Former President Donald Trump is refusing to sign a loyalty pledge saying he will support the GOP primary winner. His answer knocks him out of the debate lineup.

From Fox News:

“I wouldn’t sign the pledge,” Trump said. “Why would I sign a pledge if there are people on there that I wouldn’t have?”

Trump flatly stated that there are several people in the primary that he wouldn’t support for president. Why would he support people that have already insulted him or sided with Democrats in political attacks? Trump has a problem with these people and made it clear he isn’t signing the required pledge.

The former president pointed out that the debate stage also gives weak opponents who aren’t polling well an open forum to verbally attack him. Candidates might see this as a way to knock him down a notch or two while advancing their position with public opinion.

Trump isn’t having any of it at this point. He doesn’t see any upside to taking jabs from lesser contenders or trying to answer their “nasty questions.”

“Why would you do that when you’re leading by so much?” Trump asked. “Ronald Reagan didn’t do it. Nixon didn’t do it. Many people didn’t do it.”

Trump is wise to plot his primary path based on successful campaigns from past presidents who were very popular with the people. His biggest problem in this scenario may be himself. He loves a good tussle and the debate stage is a format where he believes he excels above other candidates.

With many months still ahead in the 2024 presidential election campaign, Trump may let the field play out a bit before he steps onto the debate stage. After a few candidates realize they have no chance and run out of campaign funds, Republican voters would be happy to see him step up and take on any contenders in person.

Key Takeaways:

  • Required Republican pledge may keep Trump out of debates.
  • Former president says there are multiple candidates he won’t support.
  • Trump cites Nixon and Reagan as examples of why he won’t debate.

Source: Fox News

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.

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