Top Republican Ruins Biden’s Day – She Just Gave Her Support to 1 History-Making Plan
By Mick Farthing|July 27, 2023
Top Republican Ruins Biden’s Day – She Just Gave Her Support to 1 History-Making Plan

What’s Happening:

We’ve been hearing a lot lately about Joe Biden and what he might have been doing with his son. To sum up, testimony has come out providing detailed information about a bribery ring he conducted as vice president. Joe used his son Hunter to secure millions of dollars, in exchange for “protection” from the vice president. And the recent IRS whistleblower testimony only throws fuel on the fire.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy vowed to open an inquiry against Joe if these testimonies held any water. From where we’re sitting, Biden is drowning. It should only require a few more House leaders to ensure Biden faces the music. And now, another top Republican is joining McCarthy.

From Fox News:

House GOP conference chair Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., said Thursday morning that she would “absolutely” support the opening of an impeachment inquiry into President Biden…

“We know this White House, this Department of Justice, they are trying to cover up for Hunter Biden and ultimately Joe Biden,” she continued…

“Having that impeachment inquiry allows us to get all the facts and have the most constitutionally recognized power for the House of Representatives,” she concluded.

Joe should be very nervous right about now. With only one year before his re-election bid, House Republicans are close to opening up an impeachment inquiry against him. House GOP conference chair Elise Stefanik said “Oh, absolutely” when asked if she’d support an inquiry.

Stefanik explained that an inquiry would give Republicans the power to find evidence that is easily hidden. Even DOJ officials would have to comply, despite their history of trying to cover up Joe and Hunter’s sins.

An inquiry is the first step in the impeachment process. If House Republicans find the evidence, they will have good cause to vote against Biden. In a few months, the House might impeach a president that actually deserves it!

While impeachment might not lead to Joe being removed from office, it will show the American public what Biden is guilty of. It will give the House a chance to show, once and for all, that everything we’ve heard about the Bidens is true.

Not even the liberal media will be able to obscure it. Now, all Republicans have to do is actually open the inquiry!

Key Takeaways:

  • Republican Elise Stefanik supports an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden.
  • She stated that an inquiry will give the House the power to get the “facts” in Biden’s case.
  • She accused the White House and DOJ of trying to cover up for Hunter and Joe.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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