Texas Republicans Unload Historic Demand – If Biden Doesn’t Sign Key Legislation, This Will Happen
By Sean Kerrvin|August 11, 2023
Texas Republicans Unload Historic Demand – If Biden Doesn’t Sign Key Legislation, This Will Happen

What’s Happening:

Americans are tired of the U.S. government continuing to fail in its duties under the regime of Joe Biden. One of the most glaring issues is the illegal immigration crisis at the southern border. Southern states are under siege from people around the world clamoring to get across the border and violent criminal gangs are helping them.

Texas has been at the forefront of this crisis for decades and leaders there are calling for Republicans to force Biden to act. They plan to hit him and the U.S. government where it hurts most… in the purse strings.

From Fox News:

Fifteen House Republicans led by Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, signed a dear colleague letter urging the House to reject further appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security unless Biden signs a GOP-backed border security bill and removes Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas from office, among other demands.

DHS continues to allow hundreds of thousand of illegal immigrants to flood into the country with the full knowledge and approval of Biden and his leftist lackey Mayorkas. The State of Texas continues to foot the bill to handle the flood of immigrants that have overwhelmed entire towns and cities with demanding human services needs. Texas Republicans want this humanitarian crisis to stop, or else, and they want fellow GOP members to back up the stance.

“Simply put, no member of Congress should agree to fund a federal agency at war with his state and people,” the Republicans wrote. “We have a moral obligation to protect our states, our nation, and, importantly, the migrant children getting abused from the disaster transpiring at our southern border.”

GOP demands will clash with Biden’s regime by the time annual federal appropriations expire on Sept. 30. This could be another attempt by Republicans to force Biden to meet their demands or shut down the government for lack of funding for the next fiscal year.

The problem is that most Republicans fear a government shut down could harm their chances at reelection so the Texans might not have the support they want. Every Republican in the House would need to stand with them to force Biden to give in to the demands.

Republicans have been attacking Biden and Mayorkas in committee hearings for months. But as the Texas lawmakers wrote in their letter to colleagues, this is “nothing more than political theater” if Congress doesn’t have the stomach to cut off funds until the White House changes course.

No changes should mean no money. Republicans should hold the line in this fight for national security.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden’s border policies under attack from Texas Republicans.
  • GOP demand changes that include kicking out Mayorkas.
  • DHS should not get budget money without more border security.

Source: Fox News

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.

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