Texas Announces Its Biggest Border Action Yet – This Is Exactly What America Needs
Texas Announces Its Biggest Border Action Yet – This Is Exactly What America Needs

Texans aren’t inclined to back down from a fight. They have taken on overwhelming adversaries throughout the history of the state, and they aren’t backing down to Joe Biden and his leftist cronies.

Biden has wielded the full weight of the federal government to attack the Republican leadership of Texas when it comes to the crisis at the southern border. Texas has felt the full brunt of illegal immigration for generations and Biden’s policies have taken the crisis to unbelievably bad levels.

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbot had enough of Biden’s political nonsense and began fighting back with razor wire fences, buoy barriers in the middle of the Rio Grande, and taking over a park in a border city while banning federal officers from entering.

Biden pulled out the sword of his Department of Justice to undermine Abbott’s methods and won some initial court rulings. Now Abbot has upped the ante with plans to increase the Texas state military presence at the border.

From Breitbart:
Texas will install a military base in the border city of Eagle Pass to curb the flow of illegal migrants allowed in by the Biden administration, Gov. Greg Abbott (R) announced at a press conference Friday.

“Texas is expanding our border security capabilities by building a new Texas Military Department base camp to increase and improve border security operations in this area,” Abbott said at the press conference. “This will increase the ability for a larger number of Texas Military Department soldiers in Eagle Pass to operate more effectively and efficiently.”

The base is set to encompass 80 acres of land along the Rio Grande that will house up to 1,800 Texas National Guard soldiers, with the ability to accommodate an additional 500, Abbott’s office stated. His office further explained that the facility will be able to “respond to the open border chaos created by the Biden Administration, complete with recreational, chaplaincy, medical and psychological health facilities.”

A Texas military official noted that the state’s efforts to curb illegal immigration will be expanded even beyond the proposed base of operations. The plan is to deploy “every available resource and strategy to protect and defend Texas,” according to Adjutant General of Texas Major General Suelzer.

“In the coming weeks, we will also be expanding operations north and south of Eagle Pass, putting up additional barriers to fortify our border,” Suelzer said. “We are also adding three more fan boats and expanding our drone program radar truck capabilities.”

These are strong words coming from Texas leadership and backed by plans designed to take action instead of waiting for Biden to further erode the sovereignty of the Texas and U.S. border. Contrast this with Biden heralding a $95 billion foreign aid package he helped pass in Congress. That legislation includes $61 billion for Ukraine which could easily pay for a protective wall along the entire United States-Mexico border that spans multiple states.

Key Takeaways:

  • Texas announced a huge move to stop illegal immigration by building a military base.
  • Greg Abbott made the announcement as he steps up the fight against Joe Biden.
  • Biden’s policies have eroded security at the southern border and Texas is fed up.

Source: Breitbart

February 21, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.