Ted Cruz Drops the Hammer on President Biden – He Just Announced a Harsher Punishment than Impeachment
By Mick Farthing|August 14, 2023
Ted Cruz Drops the Hammer on President Biden – He Just Announced a Harsher Punishment than Impeachment

What’s Happening:

Democrats are pulling out all the stops to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House. They have indicted him three times. Reports say Democrats out of Georgia will indict him again. Not because the evidence is overwhelming, it seems, but because the left won’t survive if Trump returns to office.

Meanwhile, we have heard a mountain of reports, testimony, documents, and more that implicate Joe Biden and his son. What has been piling up over the months is certain grounds for Republicans to launch an impeachment probe. If Kevin McCarthy has brains at all, he’d set up an impeachment vote ASAP. But one Republican senate says that is hardly enough to deal with Crooked Joe Biden. And the Texas lawmaker is dropping the hammer on Biden.

From The Western Journal:

“Did they pay $10 million for [Biden] to do so. If so, Joe Biden is guilty of bribery. Hunter is guilty of selling bribes, selling official favors from his father.

“And if that is the case. Joe Biden should be impeached. He should be removed from office. He should be prosecuted, and he should go to prison.”

Sen. Ted Cruz called out Joe Biden over the growing accusations that he engaged in bribery as vice president. The Republican said that if there is evidence that Biden was paid millions to influence Ukraine, then more should be done than just impeachment.

Cruz called for Biden to be removed from office, prosecuted, and then sent to prison.

The senator pointed out that we have evidence that Biden engaged in a “quid pro quo.” Biden himself once bragged that he went to Ukraine and held $1 billion ransom in exchange for a prosecutor to be fired. That prosecutor was investigating Burisma, the company Hunter just happened to be working for.

If the testimony recently released is true, Burisma was paying Hunter and Joe for favors. Biden getting that prosecutor canned could have been what Burisma got in return for those million-dollar payments.

You’ll probably be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t at least think Biden is partly guilty. But if justice is to be done, he needs to be investigated, impeached, and prosecuted. If Biden really conducted a bribery scheme this big and this egregious, he should go behind bars.

But do you think he will? Do you think Republicans can muster enough momentum in Congress to get the job done?

If not, then it falls to voters to ensure Biden is held accountable.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ted Cruz suggested Joe Biden should is prosecuted and sent to prison.
  • Cruz stated that if Biden is guilty of the bribery scheme, impeachment won’t be enough.
  • Evidence suggested Biden and his son conducted a bribery ring out of the vice president’s office.

Source: Western Journal

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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