Seconds After New Trump Indictment Drops – Experts Just Exposed One Massive Problem
By Mick Farthing|August 15, 2023
Seconds After New Trump Indictment Drops – Experts Just Exposed One Massive Problem

What’s Happening:

So, as we predicted, Democrats out of Georgia are indicting Trump a fourth time. Is there anyone left in America that truly believes this is not about manipulating the 2024 Election? Democrats are gotten so desperate, terrified that their puppet Joe Biden is going to lose. They’ve slandered Trump for years, launched shady investigations during his presidency, and even impeached him on flimsy charges.

All they had left was to abuse the judicial system by overwhelming Trump’s legal team with endless indictments and battles. I wouldn’t be surprised if they indict him a fifth or sixth time.

This indictment out of Georgia appears to be the weakest yet. An upstart Democrat, eager to elevate her profile, is accusing Trump of trying to coerce the governor into overturning the state’s election results. She didn’t bother to seal her indictment like the DOJ did, so experts were able to read it. And they are revealing this case holds no water.

From Breitbart:

The Georgia indictment unveiled Monday night… claims former President Donald Trump and 18 others pursued a “conspiracy” with mundane acts such as tweeting about hearings…

Other tweets allegedly constituting “overt act[s] in furtherance of the conspiracy” include Trump’s criticism of Georgia’s elected officials… all typically statements that fall under the category of political speech that is protected by the First Amendment.

An overeager Democrat in Fulton County is accusing Trump of committing “overt act[s] in furtherance of the conspiracy” to overturn the election. The evidence she provides? Tweets!

Lol, you can’t make up something this stupid.

The Democrat is claiming mundane tweets Trump posted during the aftermath of the 2020 Election prove he was conspiring to overturn the 2020 Election. Democrats are claiming Trump believed he lost but went out of his way to change the election results.

To this very day, Trump maintains he won the 2020 Election, but the results were changed by fraud. Trump appeared to have honestly believed he won and was trying to correct criminal actions against our democracy.

Not the same as trying to overturn a fair and honest election.

But the tweets mentioned in the very indictment against Trump do not appear to prove he was pushing a conspiracy. Experts looking over the tweets have called them “political speech.” Political speech, just like most speech, is free speech protected by the First Amendment.

Georgia would have a case against Trump if he tweeted comments encouraging violence or crime. Or if he openly admitted he lost but was trying to change the outcome. But there is nothing like that in Trump’s Twitter feed.

This is one of the most pathetic attacks against Trump we’ve seen. And if it isn’t thrown out by a federal judge immediately, it will certainly not last very long.

Key Takeaways:

  • Georgia’s indictment against Trump is based on tweets experts called protected speech.
  • Democrats are accusing Trump of trying to overturn the 2020 Election, but lack obvious evidence.
  • The tweets quoted in the indictment are mundane political speech protected by the First Amendment.

Source: Breitbart

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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