RINO Mitch Betrays GOP Again – McConnell Refuses to Back His Party On 1 Key Issue
By Mick Farthing|August 9, 2023
RINO Mitch Betrays GOP Again – McConnell Refuses to Back His Party On 1 Key Issue

What’s Happening:

There isn’t any love lost between Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party. Ever since 2020, it appears the Senate Minority Leader hasn’t put the interests of the GOP first. Instead, he appears to be an extension of the Democrats’ majority, rubber-stamping whatever idiotic bill Biden wants passed.

He was even heckled by folks back home during a speech over the weekend. Republican voters have good reason to distrust this 81-year-old senator. And now, you’ll have even more reason to dislike him. Just as House Republicans finally prepare to hold Crooked Joe Biden accountable, Mitch turns on the party.

From Daily Wire:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) cautioned against the regular use of the impeachment process as House Republicans float an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden…

“Impeachment ought to be rare,” McConnell said. He also observed, “This is not good for the country.”

What a load! Mitch did nothing as Democrats weaponized impeachment against Donald Trump. Where were his rebukes back then? Only now, when there is good reason to impeach Biden over allegations of shocking crimes, it is wrong to impeach a president?

Why doesn’t Mitch just come out and change his party, already? He might as well tell the world what we are already thinking. He has been carrying the left’s water ever since Biden slithered into the White House.

He folded on the debt ceiling. He folded on Biden’s radical agenda. He is even responsible for Republicans failing to see a red wave in 2022. Now, he is apparently trying to protect a man who likely conducted a bribery ring out of the vice president’s office.

Biden is one of the most-hated presidents in our history. Americans are suffering from crisis after crisis thanks to him. And many believe it is because old Joe is buying and selling the country to the highest bidder. Shouldn’t there be consequences? Shouldn’t Republicans hold this man accountable?

You know what’s really bad for the country, Mitch? Having a corrupt president that leaves the border open, raises taxes, creates runaway inflation, bankrolls wars overseas, and allows crime to explode. But none of that seems to bother old Mitch.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mitch McConnell discouraged Republicans to impeach Biden, despite overwhelming evidence.
  • The Kentucky Republican claimed impeachment “is not good for the country.”
  • McConnell is considered a “Republican in name only” by many Americans.

Source: Daily Wire

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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