Florida Sheriff Sends Direct Message to Criminals: FAFO
Florida Sheriff Sends Direct Message to Criminals: FAFO

Crime is skyrocketing in cities and states run by Democrats. From Chicago to San Francisco, once-thriving urban centers are being overrun by violent crime, theft, and drug-related offenses, all thanks to radical progressive policies that seem more focused on protecting criminals than law-abiding citizens.

These soft-on-crime approaches, like defunding the police, no-bail policies, and lenient sentencing, are wreaking havoc on hard-working Americans who are just trying to live their lives in peace.

In cities like New York, businesses are closing, and families are fleeing as crime surges under the watch of Democratic leadership. While criminals roam free, ordinary people are left to fend for themselves. But it doesn’t have to be this way. There’s a stark difference between Democrat-run states and red states, where law and order still matter.

In red states, where conservative policies prevail, leaders are not afraid to stand up for their citizens and hold criminals accountable. One place where this couldn’t be more true is Polk County, Florida, where Sheriff Grady Judd has a very clear message for criminals: Fool around and find out.

From Fox News:
One of the most politically incorrect sheriffs in America says his strong messaging against criminals has scared would-be looters from messing around in his county during vulnerable times…

Before Hurricane Milton hit, the sheriff’s office marketed a tough-on-crime approach. “We published this FAFO sign. ‘Fool Around and Find Out,’ or other words. And we have zero tolerance.”

“A massive county of 800,000, there’s no reported looting. None,” he said.

Sheriff Grady Judd: Crime Has No Home in Polk County

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, known for his no-nonsense approach, has made it his mission to ensure that criminals know better than to mess around in his county. After Hurricane Milton hit, many places would be worried about looting and lawlessness. Not in Polk County.

Why? Because Sheriff Judd’s tough-on-crime stance leaves no room for doubt: criminals don’t stand a chance in his jurisdiction.

“We published this FAFO sign,” Judd explained, “Fool Around and Find Out.” And apparently, the message has been loud and clear. Despite Polk County being home to over 800,000 people, there were zero reports of looting during the hurricane’s aftermath. None.

That’s what happens when criminals know that even the smallest offenses will be met with the full force of the law. Whether it’s stealing a $2.50 soda or committing armed robbery, Judd has made it clear: you’ll end up in jail if you break the law in Polk County.

“You Own Them”: Judd’s Message on Self-Defense

Sheriff Judd isn’t just about tough talk—he’s all about empowering citizens to protect themselves. In an age when some states and cities are disarming citizens and allowing criminals to walk free, Judd tells his residents to defend their homes with force.

In fact, his advice to homeowners dealing with looters or burglars is brutally straightforward: “If you shoot them graveyard dead, that’s too bad for their luck.”

Judd’s approach is not just about law enforcement doing its job, but about giving residents the confidence to protect their families. He encourages citizens to call the police and have the criminals arrested, but if it comes down to it, self-defense is on the table.

“You don’t have to ask them what they’re doing in your house,” Judd stated. “When they walk into your house, you own them.”

This kind of messaging, clear and unambiguous, sends criminals running in the opposite direction. They know Polk County is not a place to test the limits. As Sheriff Judd puts it, “We don’t fool around here.”

Florida: Law and Order Prevails

Sheriff Judd’s firm stance is mirrored across much of Florida, where law and order remain a priority. Under Governor Ron DeSantis, the state has made it clear that crime will not be tolerated.

While other states flirt with dangerous ideas like defunding the police, Florida continues to stand up for its citizens, prioritizing safety and security over political correctness.

Judd’s message to criminals is simple: “If you want to commit crime, stay out of Polk County unless you want to go to jail, because we’re going to lock you up quick, and we’re going to keep you there.” And that’s exactly what Americans in Democrat-run cities are missing—leaders who put public safety first.

Key Takeaways

  • Crime is surging in Democrat-run cities due to lenient policies, leaving law-abiding citizens at the mercy of criminals.
  • Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd’s tough-on-crime approach has led to zero looting during a hurricane, proving that strong law enforcement works.
  • Red states like Florida uphold the law, providing safety and security for their residents, while blue states struggle under radical, soft-on-crime policies.

Source: Fox News

October 17, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.