Snowflakes Cancel 1 Legendary Queen Song – It Just Got Banned for Younger Audiences
By Mick Farthing|August 21, 2023
Snowflakes Cancel 1 Legendary Queen Song – It Just Got Banned for Younger Audiences

What’s Happening:

We don’t have to tell you that the woke mob is destroying our national heritage, history, and culture. At every turn, “triggered” leftists demand that everything from football team names to pancake syrup be “canceled.” All because these woke numbskulls (often people younger than thirty) claim these things are racist, sexist, or bigoted.

In recent years, the woke mob has canceled movies and even episodes of beloved TV shows. They got these shows scrubbed from streaming services, in fear of “offending” someone. Now, a rock band famous for defying the status quo and changing minds just faced cancellation. You won’t believe what the left just did.

From Fox News:

Legendary rock band Queen’s 1978 classic “Fat Bottomed Girls” has become cancel culture’s latest victim after the song was dropped from the band’s new greatest hits collection for younger listeners that debuted on the audio platform Yoto…

“It is woke gone mad. Why not appreciate people of all shapes and sizes like society is saying we should, rather than get rid of it?”

Lol, oh this is just pathetic. Queen is most famous for its powerful rock anthems and unapologetic frontman, Freddy Mercury. Mercury shook the musical establishment over his sexuality and tragically died of AIDS.

Queen’s music is known for its irreverent style and willingness to mock societal conventions. That’s exactly what the song “Fat Bottomed Girls” was all about. Instead of mocking women, it was taking a playful jab at society’s views of beauty–having fun while doing it.

Any fan of Queen’s music knows they were the last group considered bigoted, cruel, or worthy of cancellation. But when audio platform Yoto released a “greatest hits” tracklist of the band’s songs, they dropped this song out of fear of offending young listeners.

Give me a break.

For the left to censor a song from a known gay rock band singer playfully joking about women could be the height of liberal stupidity.

But it won’t be the last time the left tries to cancel or censor something generations of people enjoyed. If we don’t stand up and defend what we love, will we have a society left at all?

Key Takeaways:

  • Music platform Yoto removed “Fat Bottomed Girls” from Queen’s greatest hits tracklist.
  • This comes as the woke left cancels or censors countless movies, music, and TV shows.
  • Leftists have also canceled historical figures, everyday products, and sports teams.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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