New York Post Issues Presidential Endorsement, Defies Kamala Harris by Backing Trump
New York Post Issues Presidential Endorsement, Defies Kamala Harris by Backing Trump

It’s no secret that most major liberal media outlets typically line up to back Democrat candidates in presidential elections. From The New York Times to CNN, when election season rolls around, they tend to throw their weight behind the left’s nominee, confidently publishing glowing endorsements that break down why their candidate is, in their view, the best choice.

But this year, there’s a twist. Not everyone in the liberal press is standing by Kamala Harris, who’s stepped into the race for the Democrats. This is a surprising turn, as some of these traditionally left-leaning outlets have pulled back from endorsing her, with journalists and editorial boards hesitant to give her the green light.

So, what’s the deal? Well, even a few liberal voices have admitted they’re struggling to justify supporting Harris. Her resume isn’t exactly stellar. Sure, she served as California’s Attorney General, then a brief stint as a U.S. Senator before becoming Vice President, but her time in these roles hasn’t been marked by any major achievements. Her tenure as VP has been criticized for vague speeches and dodged questions, not to mention a disappointing lack of transparency on key policies.

Her inability to articulate clear, actionable plans has led to what can best be described as “cautious distancing” from media that would typically be her biggest advocates. And now, it seems a major New York paper is about to weigh in on its candidate of choice. Who will it endorse?

From The New York Post:
Voters carry a heavy responsibility in this election — one of the most consequential in the history of this great nation.

The choice will have reverberations for decades, deciding which of two very different paths for the future Americans will take… Only one candidate can credibly claim to lead us there. Donald Trump.

A Nation at a Crossroads

The stakes of this election couldn’t be higher. The nation’s future hangs in the balance, with a choice that could shape the direction of the United States for generations. Voters face a stark decision about which path they want for their country.

The Post, one of New York’s flagship newspapers, says that this election offers two very different futures: one focused on border security, safer cities, a thriving economy, and a strong energy policy, and the other that risks higher inflation, more government debt, and a dependency on radical social policies.

In their view, only one candidate truly embodies the hope for a robust America. That candidate is none other than Donald Trump. His administration, despite the constant drama and chaos stirred up by the media, delivered substantial wins: a strong pre-pandemic economy, a historically low unemployment rate, a secure border, and an America that commanded respect on the world stage.

When asked to compare, many Americans remember a time of prosperity and stability, a stark contrast to the current struggles with inflation, crime, and international uncertainty.

Harris: The Silent Candidate

Kamala Harris, on the other hand, has been criticized as an under-qualified, unwilling-to-engage candidate. She’s dodged questions about her tenure, her policy plans, and has avoided confronting issues that concern the average American voter. Harris, to the frustration of many, is running on a platform that seems both incomplete and opaque.

Her record as a California progressive rings alarm bells for conservatives worried about her plans, which appear to be rooted in a vision that might prioritize social engineering over economic stability.

Some fear that if Harris takes the helm, the country will see an accelerated form of “Bidenism,” pushing progressive policies further than ever before. From supporting an economy with heavy regulations to advocating for the Green New Deal, her track record has raised questions about whether she would lead a stable, united America — or drive it down a divisive path.

Trump’s Vision: An American Rebirth

In stark contrast, Trump’s message speaks to values that aim to restore traditional ideals and American strength. The Post lays out their reasons, pointing to Trump’s commitment to reducing regulation and keeping taxes low, encouraging energy independence by opening up oil and gas production and putting America first in global diplomacy.

Under Trump, the U.S. took a no-nonsense stance with Iran, killed the nuclear deal that threatened Israel’s security, and brought economic sanctions that hurt the terror-sponsoring nation where it counts.

Trump’s promise is clear: an America where parents have the power to choose the best for their kids, a country with safe borders and strong alliances.

Despite facing unprecedented opposition and even physical threats, Trump’s resilience stands out, promising a return to the prosperity many felt under his previous term.

The Burden of Choice

The decision is in the voters’ hands. This election brings two starkly different visions, making the stakes higher than ever. Will America choose the path of opportunity, lower taxes, and international strength?

Or will it choose a path fraught with uncertainty, regulation-heavy economics, and policies that stir division? With The Post throwing its support behind Trump, the endorsement serves as a reminder of the kind of leadership some believe America needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Some liberal media outlets, historically backing Democrats, are withholding support for Kamala Harris.
  • The New York Post endorses Trump, underscoring his commitment to lower taxes, energy independence, and a strong, safe America.
  • This election presents two contrasting futures for America — one rooted in opportunity and strength, the other in uncertainty and heavy-handed governance.

Source: The New York Post

October 25, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.