Trump Fans Blindsided by Awful Personal Attack – Swing State Dems Under Fire for Shocking Tweet
By Mick Farthing|August 1, 2023
Trump Fans Blindsided by Awful Personal Attack – Swing State Dems Under Fire for Shocking Tweet

What’s Happening:

I don’t have to tell you that most of the time, Democrats can get away with things unthinkable to Republicans. For years, leftists have been allowed to spread hate, deceptions, and radical views online–and they have never been censored. Meanwhile, a conservative can simply say they didn’t like COVID lockdowns–and they were banned from many websites.

The double standard was on full display this week, after a state Democrat Party official account posted to Twitter. They apparently didn’t appreciate the fact that someone, somewhere adorned their home with Trump banners. But what they called on their followers to do was beyond acceptable. It was downright illegal.

From Breitbart:

The Missouri Democrat Party used its official Twitter account to openly call for someone to burn down a Trump supporter’s house.

Flagged by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), the tweet from the Missouri Democrats was responding to a question from Jon Cooper about a house draped in Trump flags.

“What would you do if this was your next-door neighbor?” Jon Cooper asked.

“The roof, the roof is on [fire emoji]. We don’t no water, let insert your word’ burn!” the Missouri Democrats responded.

Wow. The Missouri Democrat Party responded to a picture of a Trump supporter’s home with calls to set the roof on fire. The picture showed a very enthusiastic Trump supporter’s house, covered with many Trump banners and flags.

Sure, I can see why a Democrat wouldn’t like seeing this in their neighborhood. But this person has the right to support the candidate of their choice and exercise their First Amendment rights to let people know.

It’s pretty shocking to think the official Twitter account of the Missouri Democrats was advocating to burn down this house. They advocated for someone to burn down a Trump supporter’s house then had the gall to post #VoteBlue2024.

Imagine if a Republican had posted this about a house with Biden flags? Not only would that account have been banned, but the media would have a field day. They’d call for that person to be arrested, claiming it was more “threats against our democracy.”

But Democrats are literally calling for their supporters to burn down the homes of their political rivals.

Uh… who’s the real threat to our country? The account had to delete the post, to avoid suspension. But these kinds of sentiments continue to spread online.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Missouri Democrat Party advocated for the burning down of a Trump supporter’s home.
  • Its official Twitter account called for someone to burn down a house with Trump flags.
  • This comes as Republicans are routinely censored online, while Democrats face zero consequences for violent rhetoric.

Source: Breitbart

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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