Obama Scandal Explodes at His Estate – Barry’s Got a Lot of Explaining to Do
By Mick Farthing|July 25, 2023
Obama Scandal Explodes at His Estate – Barry’s Got a Lot of Explaining to Do

What’s Happening:

Despite all that’s happened, the liberal media still considers Barack Obama to be some kind of messiah. In fact, the Obamas continue to pull strings in our society. They sit on the board of the largest streaming service, Netflix. They work with Hollywood producers, TV networks, and speak at universities.

And many of Obama’s former lackeys are calling the shots at the Biden White House.

It’s safe to say that the Obamas cherish their image and how they can manipulate the country. So, we have to wonder what they are thinking right now, as scandal hits their million-dollar home on Martha’s Vineyard. A body washed up on the shores of their home. But this was no stranger.

From The Post Millennial:

The 43-year-old man who drowned while paddleboarding off the Edgardtown coast of Martha’s Vineyard on Sunday has been identified as the personal chef to Barack and Michelle Obama…

Divers recovered his body just before 10 am from Edgartown Great Pond, on which the Obama family’s $12 million mansion lies…

[a] social media post showed the chef swimming, and seemingly doing so decently.

This is pretty alarming. Tafari Campbell served as a White House chef during Obama’s administration. He left that post to work for the Obamas as their private chef. He presumably worked or lived at their $12 million home on Martha’s Vineyard.

But his body was found on the shores of the Edgartown Great Pond, on which their house is built. According to reports, Campbell was paddleboarding when the worst happened. Some users pointed out comments the man previously made online that suggested he couldn’t swim.

That is contradicted by a video he posted to Instagram, that shows him swimming in a pool. It appears that the man could swim, so the idea of him drowning while paddling boarding is hard to swallow.

Police state that the Obamas were not at the residence at the time of Campbell’s passing, but he was there “visiting.” Uh… why was he visiting the Obamas… when the Obamas were not present?

What is really going on? How did an adult man drown while paddleboarding, when it has been documented that he could swim? Was there an accident or did something far worse happen to him?

This man worked closely with the Obamas. He would have been by their side at important meals and events. Perhaps a serious investigation needs to be launched.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Obamas’ private chef was found dead near their home on Martha’s Vineyard.
  • Tafari Campbell previously served as a White House chef before leaving to serve the Obamas.
  • Social media content suggests the man was a capable swimmer.

Source: The Post Millennial

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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