New Trump Report Contains a Big Surprise – Donald Rockets to the Top in 1 Critical Category
By Mick Farthing|August 21, 2023
New Trump Report Contains a Big Surprise – Donald Rockets to the Top in 1 Critical Category

What’s Happening:

Many Americans suspect that Democrats are indicting Trump simply to stop him from winning the election. They keep throwing charges at the former president. How can anyone still believe these are legitimate cases?

But if Democrats think that attacking him this way, instead of beating him fair and square at the ballot box, is going to work–they are sorely mistaken.

Republicans don’t seem to be buying all these attacks. Reports suggest that few voting Republicans believe what the left is saying about Trump. His leading in the GOP primaries has not been hurt by these indictments. And now, a new poll reveals Trump surging a key category.

From The Blaze:

Despite the four indictments against Trump, the poll found that 62% of likely Republican primary voters planned to support Trump versus 16% for DeSantis…

Among Trump supporters, 71% feel what Trump tells them is “generally true,” showing more trust in the politician than family and friends (63%), conservative media figures (56%), and religious leaders (42%).

If Democrats think they can crack this kind of influence, they really are brain-dead! Trump continues to lead in the GOP primaries, beating all his rivals with 62%–according to a new CBS poll.

The poll asked Trump supporters what they thought of the man. And 71% of them believe what Trump says. They apparently trust him more than family members, friends, conservative pundits, and even religious leaders.

It does not seem that the liberal media will be able to drive a wedge between Trump and his supporters. That’s because Trump has been successful in convincing them he’s the only person really on their side. Everyone else, according to Trump, is out to get them.

And when the liberal establishment criticizes, bullies, and dismisses this group of Americans, they are only confirming what Trump says.

But the real question is: can this loyal spill over into the general election? Trump’s core base can secure his GOP nomination. But that won’t be enough to win in November. Trump will have to do more than just pander to his most rabid fans.

He will need to convince the rest of the party, moderate voters, swing voters, and even some Democrats to join his side. Otherwise, it will be a repeat of 2020.

Key Takeaways:

  • A new poll reveals Trump supporters trust him more than family members and religious leaders.
  • Trump’s primary numbers have only improved after Democrats indicted him four times.
  • Many believe these indictments are politically motivated, to steal the 2024 Election.

Source: The Blaze

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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