New Hunter Evidence Erupts in D.C. – This Just Blew Joe’s Impeachment Case Wide Open
By Mick Farthing|September 28, 2023
New Hunter Evidence Erupts in D.C. – This Just Blew Joe’s Impeachment Case Wide Open

What’s Happening:

Democrats have opposed House Republicans’ investigations into Joe Biden and his family. When House Speaker McCarthy announced an impeachment probe, the media claimed they had “no evidence” against the senior Biden.

This week, Republicans held their first impeachment inquiry hearing. And they are releasing more information they uncovered during their months-long probes. Republicans have long accused Biden of using his son to bring in money from foreign businesses.

Democrats and the White House have flatly denied it. But a new revelation could paint the Biden family into the corner.

From The New York Post:
First son Hunter Biden received two wire transfers from Chinese nationals worth a total of $260,000 months after dad Joe began his 2020 presidential campaign — and with the elder Biden’s Delaware home listed as the beneficiary address, a key House Republican said Tuesday…

“Bank records don’t lie but President Joe Biden does. In 2020, Joe Biden told Americans that his family never received money from China,” Comer said in a statement.

It appears the Biden administration will have a hard time explaining this new revelation. House Republicans released banking records that show two large wire transfers from Chinese nationals to the family. Hunter Biden received these transfers, but the address listed as the beneficiary was his father’s.

This happened in 2020, well after Biden left the vice presidency. Republicans could use this information to claim Biden continues to sell favors to foreign entities, even after leaving office. During that time, Biden claimed his family “never” received money from China.

Not only does that appear to be false, but Biden’s own home was listed in these two transfers. Democrats will have to explain how Hunter could use his father’s address to receive large sums of money from China–without Joe Biden knowing about it.

Other revelations that have come out this week further link the Bidens with China. Jim and Hunter Biden tried to help a Chinese firm buy a liquid natural gas facility located in Louisiana, knowing this firm was linked to the Chinese president.

Americans might find it suspicious how often the Biden family interacted with China. Joe Biden has been frequently criticized for “going soft” on China, even after it was accused of spying on the United States–both with a balloon and through social apps.

Are these new reports enough to prove Biden did engage in bribery? Democrats will certainly fight them aggressively. But this information might be enough to convince Americans that Biden is in China’s pocket. How that will impact his re-election chances remains to be seen.

Key Takeaways:

  • Republicans revealed Hunter Biden used his father’s address to receive two wire transfers from China.
  • This comes as House Republicans begin their impeachment inquiry hearings against Biden.
  • Republicans accuse Biden of taking bribes from China and others, in exchange for favors.

Source: NY Post, NY Post

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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