Dylan Mulvaney Gets 1 Sick Payday – You Won’t Believe What They’re Paying Him To Do Now
By Mick Farthing|July 27, 2023
Dylan Mulvaney Gets 1 Sick Payday – You Won’t Believe What They’re Paying Him To Do Now

What’s Happening:

The character at the center of Bud Light’s collapse is someone by the name of Dylan Mulvaney. Mulvaney, formerly an openly gay stage actor, came out as a “trans” woman. Mulvaney used TikTok to celebrate his newly found “girlhood,” garnering attention from the left-wing media and transgender activists.

Many women have spoken out against Mulvaney, claiming his “interpretation” of womanhood is a mockery. But that hasn’t stopped the liberal establishment from praising this attention-seeker as some kind of hero. Bud Light wasn’t the only brand to try to use Mulvaney to score credit with the woke left. And now, Mulvaney is bringing in big bucks to lecture women on what it means to be a woman.

From Breitbart:

Dylan Mulvaney, a transgender TikTok influencer, will be embarking on a college speaking tour soon and will be charging up to $40k in fees to talk on subjects like “female empowerment.” […]

Crista Spadafore confirmed to the New Guard that Mulvaney will be charging $40,000 in speaking fees. When speaking at the University of Pittsburgh earlier this year, Mulvaney charged $26,250 to speak. Mulvaney’s booking page with CAA says that the TikTok influencer can speak on a variety of topics, including “women’s empowerment.”

Only in America’s morally bankrupt liberal colleges could a biological man teach women about “female empowerment.” Okay, so I guess Mulvaney could also do it on stage at an award ceremony, on CNN (or Fox News), on social media, and in any Hollywood production.

Geez, what the heck happened to our country?

Mulvaney built a career by posting to TikTok about his “experiences” on becoming a woman. The left has celebrated this social media figure as a “brave” little soldier in their social and political agenda. Mulvaney was rewarded for these actions with brand partnerships.

And now, Dylan thinks all that validation gives him a platform to lecture women. Never mind the fact that he’s been a “woman” for, I dunno, ten seconds?

What self-respecting women would put up with listening to Mulvaney lecture them about female anything? And why are colleges spending tuition money to let people like Mulvaney blow hot air?

Remember when colleges were supposed to train our children in a well-paying career? Not waste time and money giving a platform to someone making a mockery of womanhood. Mind you, these very same colleges refuse to let conservatives like Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson speak.

But they’ll let this Mulvaney talk? For that much money? Give me a break.

Key Takeaways:

  • Transgender figure Dylan Mulvaney is charging colleges $40,000 to teach on “female empowerment.”
  • Mulvaney claims he’s a woman and posts on social media about “girlhood.”
  • This figure was at the center of the Bud Light scandal that destroyed the brand.

Source: Breitbart

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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