Just Minutes After Maine Tragedy – Radical Democrat Steps Way Over the Line
Just Minutes After Maine Tragedy – Radical Democrat Steps Way Over the Line

What’s Happening:

Details are still coming in about a horrific mass shooting that took place this Wednesday. At the time of this writing, police are still hunting for a 40-year-old man, the person of interest behind this event.

According to reports, a gunman opened fire at two locations. Police revealed that at least 18 people had been killed and 13 were injured. Towns in Maine have been told to shelter in place, as police search for the man responsible.

Little is known about the possible shooter, or the circumstances leading to this terrible event. That didn’t stop progressive activists from turning the tragedy into a platform for politics. And one woman has already shot her mouth off online.

From Breitbart:
Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts reacted to Wednesday’s shootings in Maine by criticizing the lack of gun control in the state, and she did so prior to a shooting suspect being apprehended or facts being known.

Watts tweeted, “MAINE DOES NOT: Require background checks on all gun sales. Have a red flag law. Prevent domestic abusers from accessing guns. Ban assault weapons. Limit magazine capacity. Require concealed carry permits. Restrict open carry.”

She did not mention that California has all the gun controls she accused Maine of lacking, yet California led the nation in “active shooter incidents” in 2021.

Many leaders are staying silent about the Maine shooting, while events are still unfolding. The man likely responsible has yet to be apprehended as America remains on alert. Very few details have come out that shed light on this event.

But progressive gun control advocate Shannon Watts immediately took to X to blame Maine’s lack of certain gun control laws as the cause of the attack. She listed several restrictions other states have implemented–but have failed to prevent shootings.

Noticeably missing from her list were any measures addressing mental health. We do not know if the accused shooter obtained his firearm legally or somehow circumvented the law. One report revealed that the person of interest had been brought in by police in July for acting “erratically.”

Other reports stated that he had “mental health issues.” Another claimed he “recently made threats to carry out a shooting at a National Guard facility in Saco, Maine.” Despite this, it is unknown if local or federal authorities took steps to disarm him.

Maine has a yellow flag law that allows police to petition for a temporary seizing of a person’s firearms. It is unclear why the state did not use this law after this person was brought in by police.

Key Takeaways:

  • Progressive gun activist Shannon Watts immediately politicized the recent shooting in Maine.
  • She seemingly blamed Maine for the mass shooting, listing restrictions not enacted by state law.
  • States with such laws have frequent shootings, casting doubt on the usefulness of those laws.
  • Watts pounced on the situation before many details were known about the accused gunman.

Source: Breitbart

October 26, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.