All eyes are on Donald Trump this week. And not just because he survived an assassin’s bullet, won a huge victory over Special Counsel Jack Smith, and is headlining the GOP National Convention. On top of all that, the candidate announced his new running mate, Sen. JD Vance.
Vance was previously a critic of Trump’s. But in recent years, he’s become one of Trump’s most ardent supporters.
Hailing from swing state Ohio, Vance could play a pivotal role in winning over working-class Americans from coast to coast. Soon after the news broke, the Biden campaign posted a vicious message attacking the Republican senator. That’s when the Trump campaign unleashed pure fire.
From Fox News:
Shortly after Vance was announced as Trump’s candidate, the Biden campaign posted on X along with a fundraising link, “Here’s the deal about J.D. Vance. He talks a big game about working people. But now, he and Trump want to raise taxes on middle-class families while pushing more tax cuts for the rich.”Trump 2024 Deputy Communications Director Caroline Sunshine took issue with that attack in an interview with Fox News Digital on Tuesday.
“I think that response, given the events that have transpired in this country where President Trump had an assassination attempt on his life, for the sitting U.S. president to be calling for anything other than unity, but instead using this opportunity to attack President Trump’s new vice presidential nominee, go after him on policy, it seems really out of touch, really in poor taste,” Sunshine said.
In a move that could only be described as classic Biden, the left’s campaign dogs were let loose on J.D. Vance the second he got the VP nod from Trump. You’d think they could give it a day or two, but no, the attacks came hot and heavy. Biden’s campaign even shamelessly tried to fundraise off the news. How desperate is that?
Team Trump wasn’t having it. They fired back, accusing Biden’s team of “poor taste.” And let’s be honest, they have a point. It’s one thing to campaign hard, but there’s a line between political strategy and just being plain rude.
Trump’s camp made it clear that they see this as a desperate move from a campaign that’s floundering. It’s almost as if Biden’s handlers are more worried about losing to Trump than they are about, you know, governing.
Now, let’s talk about the irony here. The left loves to preach about unity and respect, but their actions? Well, they tell a different story. The same folks who scream about civility were the first to hurl insults at Vance. It’s a case of “do as I say, not as I do,” and it’s not lost on anyone paying attention.
And that’s because Biden is caught between a rock and a hard place. He has to denounce harsh and even violent rhetoric, but his campaign is built on the belief that another Trump presidency will be the end of democracy. And he can’t abandon his only hope to win in November.
Trump’s campaign brought up the fact a gunman just tried to kill the Republican. Democrats couldn’t rest a few days from the mud-slinging just for that. The campaign accused Biden of not being the person “who can unify” the country.
Plenty of Americans will feel the same way.
Key Takeaways:
- Biden’s team launched immediate attacks on Sen. JD Vance following his VP nomination.
- Trump’s camp labeled these attacks as “poor taste” and indicative of desperation.
- The Republican announced his new running mate a few days after he survived an assassination attempt.
Source: Fox News