Matthew McConaughey Makes a Stunning Suggestion – He’s Trying to Suppress Your Top Constitutional Right
By Mick Farthing|August 5, 2023
Matthew McConaughey Makes a Stunning Suggestion – He’s Trying to Suppress Your Top Constitutional Right

What’s Happening:

Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey once flirted with the idea of entering politics. Folks in his home state of Texas were eager to find out if he would jump into the recent governor’s race. Many wondered if the moderate figure, who often put human decency over politics, would run as a conservative or liberal.

McConaughey decided not to run for public office, at least for now. But that hasn’t stopped him from spouting his opinion on crucial political issues. Lately, he decided to offer one shocking suggestion to the radical left to help their crusade. He seems to think if they “rebrand” this one ugly agenda, they can trick Americans into supporting them.

From Daily Wire:

Actor Matthew McConaughey said during an interview over the weekend that he thinks that gun control activists should use the term “gun responsibility” instead of “gun control” in order to win support from Second Amendment advocates…

“Control sounds like a mandate and nobody wants a mandate,” he said. “No one wants to be controlled. But responsibility is still something that we can all go, yeah, ‘I’ll take responsibility’…”

McConaughey seems to think that changing the phrase “gun control” to “gun responsibility” will convince Second Amendment supporters to embrace radical restrictions to their rights. McConaughey has a long history of supporting measures that take firearms away from Americans.

In 2018 he claimed gun owners had to “take one for the team” in the form of giving up semi-automatic rifles and large-capacity magazines. In the actor’s mind, because a small number of criminals use these guns, law-abiding Americans shouldn’t be allowed to.

McConaughey’s strategy appears to be gaslighting Americans into supporting drastic changes to our Second Amendment freedoms. Oh, it’s not “control” but “responsibility”? Sign me up!

This man apparently thinks that, right now, gun owners aren’t being responsible. And that the only way we can be responsible is if the government forces us to. That is an insult to the hundreds of millions of armed Americans who gladly abide by the law and do no harm to innocent civilians.

McConaughey thinks he can play around with words to seemingly trick Americans. That won’t cut any ice with gun owners, Matt.

And if he thinks this is a winning strategy in Texas or other red states, he is fooling himself.

Key Takeaways:

  • Actor Matthew McConaughey advised gun control activists to call it “gun responsibility.”
  • He seemed to suggest Democrats can trick gun owners by changing the terms.
  • McConaughey’s definition of responsibility is using the government to take guns from Americans.

Source: Daily Wire

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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