Experts Destroy #1 Liberal Holy Grail – They Just Declared It’s All a Big “Myth”
By Mick Farthing|August 29, 2023
Experts Destroy #1 Liberal Holy Grail – They Just Declared It’s All a Big “Myth”

What’s Happening:

It’s not a stretch to say that Democrats’ plan for America is to throw our money at any and every problem they see. This allows them to expand the size of the federal government and send money to their big donors. And when there isn’t a legitimate problem to solve, Democrats seem to invent problems that need “fixing.”

And, baby, there isn’t a bigger problem in the left’s mind, than climate change.

The idea that the world is going to end, unless we drastically change our way of life, is a dream come for Democrats. But they’ve gone way beyond asking us to recycle our plastics. Democrats claim we are facing a “climate emergency,” requiring governments to take even more power from citizens–and of course burn through our tax dollars. But now, a group of over 1,600 climate experts are throwing cold water on the left’s biggest holy grail ever.

From Just the News:

A coalition of 1,609 scientists from around the world have signed a declaration stating “there is no climate emergency” and that they “strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy” being pushed across the globe. The declaration does not deny the harmful effect of greenhouse gasses, but instead challenges the hysteria brought about by the narrative of imminent doom.

Wow. The Global Climate Intelligence Group made up of over 1,000 climate scientists, signed a declaration rejecting the so-called climate emergency. While they support reducing “greenhouse gasses” the group is denying politicians radical demands to “save” the planet.

The group rebuked governments for politicizing the issue and called for “more scientific” climate policies. This means, if you’re following, that many climate policies put forward by Democrats aren’t even scientifically based!

These scientists also criticized the media and politicians for “exaggerations” on predictions of global warming. And they are calling on scientists to deal with how poorly this issue is being communicated to the public.

Huh, so I guess all the alarmism we hear–on an almost daily basis–isn’t even remotely scientific? So much for Bill Nye the Science Guy and his burning globe! The folks who are hyping up a climate emergency are doing what we thought all along, fearmongering so Democrats can rob us some more.

So, Joe Biden, how about you reopen America for drilling?

Key Takeaways:

  • A group of 1,600 climate experts rejected the notion of a climate emergency.
  • The Global Climate Intelligence Group signed a declaration refuting politicians’ radical climate policies.
  • The group of climate scientists is shutting down exaggerated predictions and politicizing the issue.

Source: Just the News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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