Liberal Paper Makes 1 Insane Claim – Guess What They’re Calling “Racist” Now?
By Mick Farthing|August 10, 2023
Liberal Paper Makes 1 Insane Claim – Guess What They’re Calling “Racist” Now?

What’s Happening:

More and more Americans are walking up to the left’s failures. They are seeing how Biden’s and other Democrats’ policies just don’t work. Cities are falling apart, the border is overrun, and gas is too expensive. Even a hamburger isn’t affordable, anymore. Voters don’t have any incentive to vote for Democrats anymore.

And so, the left is ratcheting up their attacks.

They say that people throw around insults when they’ve lost the argument. That certainly seems to be the case for Democrats, who seem to see racists behind every shadow. These days, even clean water and air are “racist,” as is working out. And now, one radical paper has found another thing to call racist: working in an office.

From The Post Millennial:

A new report from the LA Times said black employees are taking remote work options over physical job locations, even at a pay cut, to avoid “racism they faced on the job.” […]

“Working remotely during the pandemic showed him a whole different lifestyle: no commute, more time with his family and a break from the onslaught of microaggressions and other racist behavior he’d had to endure,” the outlet wrote.

Wow. The LA Times is now calling working in an office “racist.” It is claiming that black workers are forced to put up with an “onslaught of microaggressions” and “other racist behavior” by being forced to work with non-white employees.

Apparently, more and more black Americans are choosing remote jobs–to avoid all those horrible racists in the office world.

Uh… so, let me get this straight. A liberal newspaper is claiming black people shouldn’t work with white people–and should just stay home? Isn’t that just another form of segregation?

Many college students have demanded blacks-only and whites-only spaces, so black people can avoid those “horrible” white classmates. Far-left Democrats appear to be advocating the separation of the races because white people can’t help but discriminate against their black neighbors.

Am I taking crazy pills!? So now, black people aren’t even allowed to be around white people because they just assume they’ll treat them differently? Maybe it has to do with years of liberals scaring white people into worrying that their every comment is racist?

Maybe we should just require people to go back to work and just do their job? Maybe people need to grow up and stop looking at everything through the lens of racism? Perhaps that’s the real solution.

Or, no. We should just call offices “racist.” Yeah, that will solve the problem.

Key Takeaways:

  • The LA Times claimed working at an office is “racist.”
  • A report claims black workers prefer remote jobs to avoid “microaggressions” and other racist behavior.
  • This comes as more and more leftists demand separating white and black Americans.

Source: The Post Millennial

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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