Kamala Harris Criticized for Bragging About Sending Money to Lebanon Amid Helene Devastation
By Mick Farthing|October 7, 2024
Kamala Harris Criticized for Bragging About Sending Money to Lebanon Amid Helene Devastation

If there’s one thing the Biden-Harris administration is consistent about, it’s abandoning Americans when they need help the most. Time and time again, they’ve turned their backs on citizens facing crises, from leaving people stranded in Afghanistan to neglecting communities devastated by natural disasters.

When Americans are in need, it seems this administration is more focused on global appearances and catering to international allies than addressing the needs of its own citizens. For Biden and Harris, helping others overseas apparently ranks higher than rescuing the very people who put them in office.

Take Hurricane Helene, for instance. While families in the southeastern United States were reeling from the devastating aftermath, what did the Biden-Harris administration do? They gave them a measly $750 in FEMA relief checks. Yes, you read that right—$750 for families who lost homes, livelihoods, and loved ones. It was a slap in the face to those suffering, a cold reminder of how out of touch this administration is with the realities of everyday Americans. Instead of stepping up, Biden and Harris stepped away, leaving citizens to pick up the pieces on their own.

From Daily Wire:
Vice President Kamala Harris faced a wave of backlash over the weekend for touting the Biden-Harris administration’s plan to send money to Lebanon while Americans were still reeling from the devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene in the southeastern United States.

$750 for Americans, Millions for Lebanon

And now, we have Vice President Kamala Harris bragging on social media about sending millions of dollars to Lebanon while Americans are still struggling to recover from Hurricane Helene.

Yes, while FEMA is running out of funds and telling us they don’t have enough money to cover the rest of hurricane season, Harris proudly announced that the administration is sending over $150 million to Lebanon. It’s hard to believe, but she really did post it for the world to see.

“The people of Lebanon are facing an increasingly dire humanitarian situation,” Harris posted. Sure, that may be true, but guess what? So are the people of North Carolina, Florida, and Georgia.

But instead of prioritizing her own countrymen, Harris boasted about sending millions of American tax dollars abroad while our own disaster victims receive pocket change. The contrast is not only shocking—it’s enraging.

Tone Deaf and Out of Touch

Americans quickly caught on to how utterly tone-deaf this move was. While people were still searching through the wreckage for missing family members and neighbors, Harris decided it was the perfect time to tell the world how generous she was with taxpayer dollars—just not toward Americans.

Actor James Woods nailed it when he tweeted, “This has to be fake. Even Kamala Harris, the gold standard of stupid, isn’t stupid enough to post this.” It’s hard to imagine a worse moment to broadcast her priorities, and yet she did it.

Matt Gaetz added to the chorus, joking, “Please tell me there is a town called Lebanon, North Carolina?” But sadly, no—this was no joke. While North Carolinians and other hurricane victims continue to suffer, Harris is busy focusing on global conflicts and other nations.

Ignoring American Suffering

This is nothing new for the Biden-Harris administration. They’ve consistently shown where their true priorities lie, and it’s not with the American people. Even Rep. Eli Crane expressed his frustration, pointing out that while Americans are “dead and devastated after the hurricane” and waiting for real relief, Harris is focused on sending funds overseas.

It’s hard to fathom, but this administration has depleted FEMA funding to resettle illegal immigrants and is now scrambling to find cash to help its own citizens.

Yet, Harris’ solution is to send $150 million more to Lebanon, pushing the total to over $385 million in aid to that country over the past year. Meanwhile, disaster victims on U.S. soil get a check that wouldn’t even cover a week’s rent.

Sending Money to Terrorists?

If that wasn’t enough, there’s the context of where this money is really going. Conservative commentator Noah Pollak didn’t hold back, pointing out that Lebanon is largely controlled by Iran and its terrorist group Hezbollah. When Harris brags about sending millions to Lebanon, she’s essentially saying she’s funneling money to Iran’s proxies.

This comes on top of the hundreds of billions the Biden-Harris administration has already given to Iran. It’s a clear message to the world: this administration cares more about placating foreign adversaries than about protecting its own people.

An Unforgivable Betrayal

The fact that Kamala Harris could so brazenly tout sending millions overseas while Americans are still trying to recover from a major disaster is nothing short of unforgivable. Her social media post wasn’t just tone-deaf—it was a glaring reminder of how detached from reality this administration truly is.

American families are suffering, their lives turned upside down by Hurricane Helene, and they are being told that $750 is all the help they’ll get. Meanwhile, millions are sent overseas to countries like Lebanon, whose leadership is in the pocket of Iran.

It’s time for the Biden-Harris administration to get its priorities straight. Americans deserve better than being abandoned in their time of greatest need. And if this administration continues to neglect its own citizens, it’s only a matter of time before they’re left behind at the ballot box as well.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden-Harris gave Americans devastated by Hurricane Helene only $750 in aid.
  • Harris announced $150 million in aid to Lebanon while FEMA is running out of funds.
  • Critics slammed the administration for prioritizing foreign aid over American disaster victims.

Source: Daily Wire

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.