Kamala Crushed By Worst Report Yet – Then She Delivers a Completely Insane Reply
By Mick Farthing|August 1, 2023
Kamala Crushed By Worst Report Yet – Then She Delivers a Completely Insane Reply

What’s Happening:

So, Kamala Harris is the “vice president,” right? Historically, the vice president doesn’t carry as much responsibility as the president. But it is still a very important role in our government. We’ve had some amazing, hard-working men in the office of VP. Some of them went on to become amazing presidents in their own right.

Today? We have a woman who can’t even finish a sentence. Harris has failed to do anything to improve the country. She is only known for her bizarre “word salads” and creepy cackle. Big surprise she is getting the ratings we’ve been seeing since 2021. But now, she is getting roasted by a recent report. And this is how she replied.

From Daily Wire:

“There are reports that say you have the lowest approval rating of any vice president,” Davis said…

“Well, there are polls that also say I have great approval ratings,” Harris claimed with a smile on her face. “I think the point that has to be made is that there are attempts to create distractions away from the accomplishments of our administration.”

Last month, Harris received the lowest net-negative rating of any vice president in the history of NBC News’ polling.

Right on cue, the liberal media tried to downplay Harris’s horrible numbers by suggesting “race and gender” had a role in them. Was the reporter suggesting Harris is a terrible vice president because she is a woman of color? That could be the only way race and gender play in her horrible, pathetic performance.

Remember, Barack Obama had good approval numbers (for a time) while he was in office. Some Americans approved of him, despite his race. So, you can’t write off Harris’s failures because of her race or gender.

Harris, though, didn’t even bother to take that convenient out. Instead, she tried to push what must have been talking points given to her by the White House. She claimed that according to some polls, she’s doing great!

Which polls say that? We haven’t seen a single poll that shows Harris doing well. She is actually worse than Biden, even though he’s the one tanking the country.

Harris then claimed these polls were “attempts” to distract from the Biden administration’s accomplishments. Except… these aren’t polls from right-wing outlets that have a bias against Harris. These are polls from mainstream media outlets, gauging the opinions of American voters.

So… where is the distraction? These are approval numbers, honey. That means this is what Americans think of her. And it’s painfully clear that Americans don’t like her.

Any suggestion that Harris will succeed Biden as a presidential candidate is laughable.

Key Takeaways:

  • Harris rejected approval polls that reveal she is the worst “vice president” in U.S. history.
  • The Democrat claimed the polls were attempts to distract from the administration’s non-existent accomplishments.
  • Kamala has done nothing as VP and is known for her bizarre word salads.

Source: Daily Wire

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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