As Kamala’s Radio Silence Continues, Charlamagne Calls Her Out And Praises Trump
By Jon Brenner|August 16, 2024
As Kamala’s Radio Silence Continues, Charlamagne Calls Her Out And Praises Trump

Kamala Harris has had nearly a month to show the American people what she’s made of as the 2024 Democratic nominee. Yet, instead of stepping up to the plate, she’s been conspicuously absent. It’s as if Harris thinks she can skate through the election without ever having to explain herself or her plans for the country. But here’s the thing: silence speaks volumes, and it seems even her own supporters are starting to take notice.

Since Joe Biden was unceremoniously booted off the Democratic ticket, Kamala has been riding a wave of media protection, avoiding any serious questions about her record or what she intends to do as president. The few public appearances she’s made have been tightly controlled, with no room for unscripted moments. This strategy might have worked for a while, but with early voting in key swing states like Pennsylvania just around the corner, the cracks are beginning to show.

Conservatives have long criticized Harris for her lack of transparency, but now, even those on the left are starting to express their frustration. The most recent voice to join the chorus is none other than Charlamagne tha God, a prominent left-wing TV and radio host who isn’t afraid to call out his own side when they’re failing.

Charlamagne’s Critique

From Breitbart:
Left-wing TV and radio host Charlamagne tha God is calling out Vice President Kamala Harris for failing to do interviews while former President Donald Trump is “everywhere” on the campaign trail.

“I truly don’t know why she hasn’t done any interviews yet,” Charlamagne said, noting that “Donald Trump is still sucking the air out of the headlines — he keeps headlines going.”

Charlamagne’s comments are significant because they represent a growing discontent within the Democratic ranks. For someone as influential as Charlemagne to publicly criticize Harris for her lack of engagement is a clear sign that her strategy—or lack thereof—isn’t just frustrating conservatives. It’s starting to alienate her base as well.

This is the same Kamala Harris who, just a few short weeks ago, was supposed to be the savior of the Democratic Party. She was the fresh face that was going to reinvigorate the base and carry the party to victory in 2024. But instead of showing the energy and enthusiasm her supporters were promised, Harris is acting like she’s already won the election.

Where’s Kamala?

More from Breitbart:
“He’s everywhere,” Charlamagne continued. “You saw him at the National Association of Black Journalists convention, you saw him on with Adin Ross, he’s going to be on with Elon Musk. He’s always calling in to conservative talk radio, which is one of my biggest issues with the Democratic Party.”

This is the crux of the issue. While Kamala Harris is hiding from the spotlight, Donald Trump is dominating the media landscape. He’s on every platform, engaging with every audience, and making sure his message is heard. Whether you agree with him or not, you can’t deny that Trump is out there fighting for every vote.

In contrast, Kamala Harris seems to be running a campaign based on avoidance. She’s avoiding tough questions, avoiding unscripted moments, and avoiding the very people she’s supposed to be winning over. It’s a strategy that might work if you’re trying to avoid controversy, but it’s not going to win you an election.

The Democratic Dilemma

Charlamagne’s critique goes beyond just Kamala Harris. It’s an indictment of the entire Democratic Party and its approach to media and communication.

The Democratic Party, with all its supposed media allies, is failing to capitalize on the very platforms that could help them communicate with voters. While Trump is making headlines every day, Harris is barely making a blip on the radar. And that’s not just a failure of strategy—it’s a failure of leadership.

As early voting approaches, the Democratic Party finds itself in a precarious position. They’ve put all their eggs in the Kamala Harris basket, but so far, she’s done little to prove that she’s up to the task. The longer she remains silent, the more voters are going to start wondering what she’s hiding from.

Final Thoughts

Kamala Harris might think she can run out the clock and avoid scrutiny, but the American people deserve better. They deserve a candidate who is willing to engage with them, answer their questions, and make the case for why they deserve their vote. If Harris can’t even do that, how can she be trusted to lead the country?

Donald Trump, for all his faults, is out there every day, showing the American people exactly who he is and what he stands for. Harris, on the other hand, is hiding behind a wall of silence, hoping that voters won’t notice. But they are noticing, and it’s not going to end well for her.

Key Takeaways:

  • Kamala Harris is avoiding interviews and serious questions, frustrating even her own supporters.
  • Charlamagne tha God criticizes Harris for her lack of engagement, highlighting a growing discontent within the Democratic Party.
  • While Trump is dominating the media, Harris’s silence is creating doubts about her leadership and transparency.

Source: Breitbart

Jon Brenner
Patriot Journal’s Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.
Patriot Journal’s Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.
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