Judge Drops the Gavel in Big Trump Case – Major Decision Comes Down for Former POTUS
Judge Drops the Gavel in Big Trump Case – Major Decision Comes Down for Former POTUS

Former President Donald Trump continues to fight multiple legal cases against him. From efforts to remove him from the primary ballot in various states to criminal and civil cases, he has his hands full in court.

One case that may not be getting much attention is a civil lawsuit filed against Trump based on actions taken during the Jan. 6, 2021, event. The lawsuit was filed by Capitol Police officer Sandra Garza alleging five counts of conspiracy to violate civil rights, two counts of negligence per se based on Washington’s anti-riot law, a wrongful death count, and a claim under the district’s Survival Act.

What the plaintiffs didn’t expect was the Washington, D.C.-based judge to issue a ruling that wrecked part of the lawsuit. Trump’s lawyers swayed the judge to the point it hurt the plaintiff’s case.

From the Washington Examiner:
In the court filing, U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta agreed with the defendants that Garza “does not have the statutory standing to make such a claim” in the wrongful death count. Mehta cited precedent holding that Washington’s anti-riot law “cannot sustain a claim of negligence per se” to dismiss one of the counts.

Mehta dismissed the wrongful death and negligence per se counts. Trump and Jan. 6 rioters Julian Khater and George Tanios were included in the lawsuit related to the death of Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick.

Trump still isn’t out of the water in the case who claims he is immune to lawsuits related to his actions on Jan. 6. Two court decisions in December established a pathway for civil lawsuits against Trump related to the event. The U.S. Court of Appeals cleared the way for multiple lawsuits against Trump, including the case with Garza.

“In Blassingame v. Trump … this court held that former President Donald J. Trump had failed to demonstrate, at the motion-to-dismiss stage, that he was entitled to absolute presidential immunity from certain civil damages claims against him,” Judges Sri Srinivasan, Judith Rogers, and Gregory Katsas wrote on Friday. “This case is indistinguishable from Blassingame in all relevant respects.”

Dismissal of parts of the case is good news for Trump, but the appellate court decision opens him up to lawsuits that argue the conspiracy to violate civil rights and claims under the district’s Survival Act.

Key Takeaways:

  • A federal judge dismissed several claims against Trump in a civil lawsuit.
  • The decision helps Trump in the case, but he faces more lawsuits related to Jan. 6.
  • An appellate court ruled Trump doesn’t have a claim of full presidential immunity.

Source: Washington Examiner

January 4, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.