J6 Committee Caught in Stunning Scandal – They Were Ordered Not to Do This, Then They Did It
By Sean Kerrvin|August 10, 2023
J6 Committee Caught in Stunning Scandal – They Were Ordered Not to Do This, Then They Did It

What’s Happening:

Every American citizen has a right to confront an accuser in court and review any evidence against them. Anyone in government who alleges a crime is also required to preserve all evidence even after an investigation ends.

Unless you’re Democrats in Congress. They apparently get to investigate, present questionable or false information about what really happened, and then destroy any evidence so no one can question their final decision.

And that’s exactly what they just did. From Fox News:

The House select committee that investigated the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, failed to adequately preserve documents, data and video depositions – including communications it had with the Biden White House that are still missing – according to the Republican lawmaker overseeing the GOP investigation into the committee’s work.

And who ran this “J6” committee? It was Democrats (and two Republicans who bowed to Democrats) running everything while presenting selective evidence and vicious opinions against former President Donald Trump. Democrats were in league with mainstream media which aired television broadcasts of the event during prime time and wrote countless articles screaming about the “evil” uncovered by the “select committee.”

Problem is the Democrats didn’t follow the Constitution or the laws of preserving evidence. Once their showboating and gloating was over, they made sure no one could fact check their discoveries or claims. They even defied the demands of Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to preserve all the evidence.

Now it may impossible to go back and challenge what Democrats claimed as “fact” from the J6 committee investigation. This includes any evidence of security failures at Capitol Hill. Democrats either didn’t investigate this serious concern or destroyed any evidence of security issues… or possibly both.

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) told the media that a key component of the committee, the Blue Team that was directed to investigate security failures, was “shut down” by Democrats who focused on blaming Trump.

“Part of our task as this oversight subcommittee is to actually address the security failures, look into how did it happen… how were these folks able to get into the Capitol,” Loudermilk said. “But we’re not seeing anything from the Blue Team as far as reports on the investigation they did looking into the actual breach itself.”

Any final conclusions from the J6 committee, which are being referenced in current federal criminal charges against Trump, can’t be fully verified. This brings into doubt the validity of any conclusions from the committee which leaves open questioning of any criminal investigations of Trump.

To the average person it appears the Democrats had much to evidence to hide and very little to support their damning of Trump as the central cause of the Jan. 6 rioting. We hope Republicans can somehow recover what the Democrats hid or destroyed and present a clear picture of all that happened that day.

Key Takeaways:

  • J6 committee methods and means explode into scandal.
  • Republicans want answers for why Democrats destroyed evidence.
  • Security issues appear to have been overlooked by Democrats.

Source: Fox News, Breitbart

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.

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