Hunter Biden Witness Busts the Case Wide Open – He Just Confirmed Joe’s “Biggest Lie”
By Sean Kerrvin|August 1, 2023
Hunter Biden Witness Busts the Case Wide Open – He Just Confirmed Joe’s “Biggest Lie”

What’s Happening:

Branding is a big part of politics and business. The idea is to build a “face” as the brand and sell a product or service. Joe Biden has been using his face as a lucrative blend of political influence to earn a living for decades. He prances around the public stage with his political gibberish while working deals that create wealth most people can’t imagine.

Biden has angrily denied – on several occasions – that he used his political influence to make money. He gets extra testy when anyone questions him on business dealings with his son, Hunter. Biden has repeatedly said he has nothing to do with Hunter’s businesses and profits.

Now we know Joe Biden’s denials are lies. Biden has been working his brand with Hunter for years, according to Congress members who heard eyewitness testimony this week. Joe and his clan have been caught working the system like back-street hustlers.

From Fox News:

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said Devon Archer confirmed in his appearance Monday that President Biden “lied to the American people when he said he had no knowledge about his son’s business dealings and was not involved.”

Archer has been reported as a longtime friend and former business associate of Hunter Biden. Archer testified before Congress in a closed-door session on Monday. What he said drew outrage from Republicans who say Archer delivered the nail in the coffin on Joe Biden’s corrupt business dealings.

From Fox News:

“Joe Biden was ‘the brand’ that his son sold around the world to enrich the Biden family,” Comer said. “When Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States, he joined Hunter Biden’s dinners with his foreign business associates in person or by speakerphone over 20 times.”

That is a shocking number of confirmed calls that Biden has repeatedly said never happened. Former President Donald Trump was impeached for one phone call that never delivered a financial exchange. Joe Biden has apparently been involved in at least 20 phone calls where money has exchanged hands between a foreign entity or persona and a Biden family member.

Republicans plan to keep the pressure on slick Joe and his son to uncover what else they lied about as Biden worked the financial angles of his brand. Americans need to know how deep the corruption goes and how long it has been happening.

From Fox News:

Comer said the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability “will continue to follow the Bidens’ money trail and interview witnesses to determine whether foreign actors targeted the Bidens, President Biden is compromised and corrupt, and our national security is threatened.”

What may be more sickening than the Biden’s corruption (maybe) is all the Democrats and their leftist allies defending Biden. They want to brush off the shocking revelation of Biden’s lies as nothing more than causal conversations or a simple, “Hello,” while on a speakerphone.

Democrats band together and lie about anything that will keep them in power. Their political ideology is as corrupt as the Biden brand, and both need to be sent packing. Impeachment of Biden doesn’t have a chance in the Senate, but exposing the depth of his corruption in the House may wake up American voters enough that they cancel his brand.

Key Takeaways:

  • Witness testimony before Congress exposes Joe Biden lies.
  • Republicans say Biden created a “brand” to profit from politics.
  • GOP members plan to follow “money trail” to protect national security.

Source: Fox News

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.

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