House GOP Investigates Major Agency – This Could Expose Huge Biden Scheme
House GOP Investigates Major Agency – This Could Expose Huge Biden Scheme

You probably remember how two men came forward to expose the IRS for recent actions involving the Biden’s. These whistleblowers accused the agency of showing special treatment to Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, who was under investigation for tax crimes an a slew of other accusations.

According to these two IRS employees, the DOJ coerced the IRS to go easy on Biden. Which, if true, would be a massive development in this story. Weaponizing the government is no small issue!
This sent shockwaves across the D.C. swamp and on top of that Hunter Biden launched a lawsuit against these two men.

It seems the whistleblowers have faced no end of conflict over what they did. Now, House Republicans think the government was involved in retaliating against these patriots. So, they are fighting back hard.

From Fox News:
House Republicans are investigating whether the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) contributed to the alleged retaliation and “smear campaign” against IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who brought claims of political influence in the Hunter Biden investigation to Congress…

“Mr. Shapley and Ziegler have faced retaliation for doing the right thing.” …

The House Republican leadership and committee chairmen requested a briefing to “better understand OSC’s conduct and to ensure that there has not been any improper influence on OSC’s investigation.”

House Republicans are launching a full-scale investigation into allegations that the Special Counsel’s Office may have played a role in retaliating against whistleblowers who have come forward with explosive claims about Hunter Biden.

House GOP leaders are determined to get to the bottom of this scandal, demanding transparency and accountability. They are calling for a thorough examination of the Special Counsel’s actions and any possible attempts to silence these two men.

House Republicans have long accused Joe and Hunter Biden of criminal wrongdoing. They allege that the former vice president and his son engaged in an international bribery ring. It is possible that Hunter lied about his taxes to hide some of the evidence of this misconduct.

This has only convinced millions of Americans (who already mistrusted the government) that federal agencies are undermining our democracy. Major agencies are bending the rules to benefit Biden and his family. Meanwhile, they are going out of their way to condemn Trump and all who partner with him.

Key Takeaways:

  • House Republicans think the U.S. Office of Special Counsel might have retaliated against IRS whistleblowers.
  • These two IRS officials exposed a plot to show Hunter Biden special treatment.
  • The whistleblowers have faced backlash for exposing the corruption.

Source: Fox News

June 17, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.