Hollywood Just Got Utterly Humiliated – Ultra-Patriotic Movie Hits 2 Massive Milestones
By Mick Farthing|July 31, 2023
Hollywood Just Got Utterly Humiliated – Ultra-Patriotic Movie Hits 2 Massive Milestones

From all appearances, Hollywood is dying. Despite a few hits, here and there, most movie theaters are empty throughout the year. The industry can survive on streaming alone. It needs packed theaters to keep itself alive.

But instead of doing just that, the woke left in La La Land keeps producing movies that sicken Americans (especially the once family friend Disney company).

But, just as Hollywood collapses, independent filmmakers are seeing a surge in support. One film is baffling liberal movie experts as it keeps bringing in untold amounts of money.

And now, this faith-based production is reaching another milestone yet–and it is the sound of relief to thousands of empty theaters. From The Epoch Times:

Anti-child trafficking movie “Sound of Freedom” continues its spectacular run at the box office, getting more theater screenings and beating several big-budget summer blockbusters.

Sound of Freedom was released on the Fourth of July weekend in 2,852 theaters. This rose to 3,265 theaters in the second week and to 3,285 theaters in the third. As of July 28, the movie is playing across 3,411 theaters, which is close to a 20 percent jump since the release. Screen count in the latest week has reportedly exceeded 4,000, according to a July 28 press release by Angel Studios, the makers of the movie.

Wow! Normally, movies are quickly eliminated from theaters after opening weekend. This is because theaters want to bring in new films in the hopes of bringing in more customers. But The Sound of Freedom is such a runaway hit, it is adding theaters across the country.

You can imagine how many local theater managers are eager to screen a successful film. This movie has defied expectations, earning over $140 million since its initial release. That’s a lot of money for any drama. For an indie film, it is revolutionary.

The radical left has gone out of its way to discredit and marginalize this film. They claim the true story was a “conspiracy theory” pushed by right-wing weirdos. The reality is, this is going on in America–and the liberal media knows it.

Once upon a time, the media would have been the first to blow the whistle on child trafficking. Instead, they refuse to even talk about it–even calling it a lie–because it hurts the Biden administration. Most children are being trafficked over the border–the very same border Biden is refusing to enforce.

If the media was doing its job, it would be exposing Biden’s horrific failure in stopping this heinous crime. But it continues to go on, and the left ignores it.

This film is inspiring Americans, but it is also raising awareness of what is going on right now in our country. Americans must wake up to the truth and hold accountable Democrats for not doing anything about it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sound of Freedom is expanding to 4,000 theaters across America.
  • The indie film has brought in over $140 million domestically.
  • The woke left has tried to shut down this movie, but has failed.

Source: The Epoch Times

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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