Kamala Reveals Her Real Border Plan, Signals She Will Grant Mass Amnesty to Millions of Illegals
Kamala Reveals Her Real Border Plan, Signals She Will Grant Mass Amnesty to Millions of Illegals

The United States is currently grappling with one of the worst border crises in its history, a disaster that began under the Biden-Harris administration. Over 10 million illegal immigrants have crossed into the country since Biden took office, completely overwhelming border patrol agents and placing enormous strain on communities nationwide.

Schools, hospitals, and social services are bursting at the seams, and crime has surged in border states as dangerous criminals have taken advantage of the chaos to slip into the country unnoticed. For ordinary Americans, this has translated into job losses, reduced wages, and increased costs for healthcare and education.

Let’s not forget the security risks that come with a wide-open border. Drug cartels and human traffickers have seized the opportunity to push their operations into the U.S. at unprecedented levels. Fentanyl, responsible for tens of thousands of American deaths annually, is pouring over the southern border. And what has the Biden administration done about this disaster?

They appointed Kamala Harris to fix it. Yes, Kamala—our ever-smiling, cackling vice president—was supposed to “address the root causes” of the crisis. But instead of solving it, she has allowed it to spiral further out of control. In fact, her policies have only encouraged more illegal crossings. If she gets into the Oval Office, we might as well hang a “Welcome” sign at the border.

The Post Millennial:
In an interview with Telemundo released Tuesday, Vice President Kamala Harris endorsed mass amnesty for illegal immigrants when she was asked about deportations.

“Right now we’re talking about border security, and there’s nobody, no Democrat, talking about a pathway to citizenship, of immigration relief, talking about benefits that migrants bring to this country,” Harris was told as she haltingly told the interviewer, “I am… I am talking.”

Kamala Harris: The Border Czar Who Made Things Worse

When Kamala Harris was given the task of handling the border crisis, many thought it was a joke. Unfortunately, it wasn’t. Her leadership has been, to put it kindly, ineffective. Since she was appointed to oversee the issue, illegal immigration has skyrocketed to levels we’ve never seen before.

Rather than addressing the root causes of the problem—like securing the border and cracking down on criminal networks—Harris has spent more time making speeches about the “benefits” that migrants bring to the U.S. Her solution to the crisis? Amnesty. Yep, her big idea is to grant mass amnesty to the millions of illegal immigrants already here, which would only encourage more people to come.

During an interview with Telemundo released on Tuesday, Harris didn’t shy away from endorsing this approach. When asked about deportations and immigration reform, she said, “I am… I am talking” about a pathway to citizenship. That’s right, folks. While Americans suffer the consequences of unchecked immigration, Harris is advocating for rewarding those who broke the law to get here.

But her vision for the border doesn’t stop there. When asked about her stance on mass deportations, Harris quickly distanced herself from any notion of enforcing the law, saying, “I’m not.” Instead, she rambled on about needing a “smart, humane immigration policy” that includes citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants.

If she’s elected president, Harris will make this border crisis permanent. More illegal immigrants, more crime, more drugs, and more strain on American families. That’s the future under Kamala Harris.

Harris’ Garbled Vision: More Amnesty, Less Security

In her recent Telemundo interview, Harris made her position crystal clear: she’s not here to deport anyone. Instead, she wants to hand out citizenship like it’s Halloween candy.

When challenged about the lack of Democrats discussing a “pathway to citizenship,” Harris responded with a stammering, “I am… I am talking,” before offering up a disjointed defense of mass immigration. She claimed that “migrants bring… America is a country that was built in part by immigrants.” Sure, America was built by immigrants—but not by millions of people flooding over an unprotected border in violation of the law.

It doesn’t stop there. Harris tried to clarify her economic philosophy, calling herself a “pragmatic capitalist.” Whatever that means. She talked about partnering with the private sector to drive industries and support small businesses, but her track record shows otherwise.

Under her and Biden, inflation has skyrocketed, and small business owners are struggling more than ever. However, when it comes to immigration policy, her comments are even more baffling. She’s trying to juggle the appearance of wanting “border security” while simultaneously pushing for policies that completely undermine it.

Let’s be honest—Harris’ soft approach to immigration has emboldened not just migrants but also criminal organizations that exploit them. Terrorists have slipped through the cracks, and the number of trafficked children crossing the border has tripled, according to federal reports.

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol has warned that many of these children are being subjected to horrific exploitation by smugglers. And yet, Kamala’s focus remains on granting amnesty to those already here rather than protecting Americans or stopping the flow of illegal immigrants.

Key Takeaways

  • Kamala Harris has failed to address the border crisis and, if elected, will make the current situation permanent through mass amnesty policies.
  • Her immigration approach has led to an increase in crime, drugs, and human trafficking, with over 10 million illegal immigrants entering the U.S. since Biden took office.
  • Harris’ focus on amnesty will only encourage more illegal immigration, further jeopardizing American jobs, security, and community resources.

Source: The Post Millennial

October 24, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.