GOP Just Made a Power Move in D.C. – And It Could Give them a Massive 2024 Edge
GOP Just Made a Power Move in D.C. – And It Could Give them a Massive 2024 Edge

There’s an old saying about fighting fire with fire. In politics you don’t want to hold back the heat—you have to stay in the fight.

Democrats for several voting cycles have shown they know how to burn Republicans on election day by getting their troops out early to rally votes. They implemented systems that churn out votes early and often leading into election day to the point ballot tallies have changed leads late into the night after poles have closed.

Republicans are stepping up to the challenge to top Democrat efforts. A new wave of campaign activity, launched this week, is designed to draw out GOP supporters ahead of upcoming primaries. The Republican National Committee this week launched websites in all 50 states and in more than a dozen different languages to gain an edge in early voting.

From Fox News:
“When Republicans vote early, we win. ‘Bank Your Vote’ will be instrumental in getting Republicans to vote early or by mail to beat Biden and secure Republican victories up and down the ballot,” RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel told Fox News Digital. “Every candidate, campaign and committee now has the ability to educate, empower and turn out Republican voters early to victory.”

The RNC launched the websites in languages that include Arabic, Assyrian, Burmese, Chinese, Chinese (traditional), Hebrew, Hindi, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Navajo, Portuguese, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese and Yiddish. This is a considerable investment by the RNC to encourage minority communities and educate GOP voters on how to vote by mail and vote early.

The websites provide campaign heat to counter Democrat voter activities that have been in place for years. The RNC websites are designed as information sources for voters and access for voters to request a ballot online or by mail, register to vote, check their registration, find their early voting location, or even locate polling places on election day.

The launch isn’t the end of the website plan as more features are expected as the presidential election gains momentum. The goal is to “empower” voters to “bank their vote,” officials said.

The action follows the “Bank Your Vote” GOP initiative launched last year designed to improve absentee returns and early in-person voting before election day. Republicans are targeting ways to “activate Republican voters on when, where and how to lock in their votes as early as possible.” The effort focuses on in-person voting, absentee voting, and ballot harvesting where it is legal.

RNC campaign plans have intensified heading toward the primary season. Activities are focused on a “data-driven ground game to grow” the party through voter registration efforts and minority outreach. The fits within goals to turn out Republican voters through an intensified ground game of door knocks, phone calls and volunteer recruitment.

Additionally, the RNC has fired up efforts in 15 battleground states by hiring political staff. Key states targeted by the GOP include New York, California, and Montana where there are important House and Senate seats.

The RNC also established a full-time Election Integrity Department as permanent part of the organization. Officials placed election integrity directors in 15 states with plans to fight any questionable practices during elections.

“We will continue to file key lawsuits, hire in-state election integrity directors and counsels in our target states, and continue to recruit and train tens of thousands of poll watchers and poll workers,” an RNC official told Fox News Digital.

Legal battles have already begun with the RNC engaged in more than 70 lawsuits in 20 states. This includes 42 lawsuits that focus on safeguarding mail voting.

Key Takeaways:

  • Republican National Committee made a power move to gain an early edge in 2024.
  • Websites in all 50 states in multiple languages are aimed at rallying GOP voters.
  • GOP election integrity officials are poised to challenge questionable election tactics.

Source: Fox News

January 5, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.