Federal Court Drops Gavel on Blue State – Overturns Move to Rob Residents’ Freedoms
By Mick Farthing|August 8, 2023
Federal Court Drops Gavel on Blue State – Overturns Move to Rob Residents’ Freedoms

What’s Happening:

It seems, with each passing day, blue states are passing laws that stripe away Americans’ rights. If we aren’t careful, we’ll soon see states banning everything from church meetings to marriage! In many cases, the only way Americans can preserve their freedoms is by taking these states to court.

Legal battles are waged on behalf of Americans by advocacy groups, at great cost. Sometimes, these fights go all the way to federal court. In one blue state, they were about to put into effect a law that would have robbed young Americans of their constitutional right. But a federal judge caught it, just in time.

From Daily Wire:

A federal judge halted a Colorado gun law that would raise the age of purchasing a firearm to 21 years old on Monday — just as the sweeping gun reform measure was set to go into effect…

SB23-169 would ban people under 18 to 20-year-olds from purchasing firearms, excluding active members of the U.S. armed forces, peace officers, and Peace Officer Standards and Training board-certified members.

Democrats in Colorado passed a gun law that would ban young adults from purchasing firearms. It was about to go into effect in hours when a federal judge issued a temporary restraining order. A non-profit known as the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners sued the state, claiming the law violated Americans’ Second Amendment rights.

Colorado passed sweeping gun control last Spring after a 22-year-old man killed five people, wounding more, at the Club Q. Twenty-two years old, huh? Yet this law bans people younger than that from buying laws.

So… this law would not have stopped this man from getting a firearm. Only law-abiding citizens under the age of 21.

As usual, Democrats passed a law that would not have stopped a criminal from inflicting harm. As we often see, the cities and states with the strictest gun control laws have the worst acts of crime. The left’s heavy restrictions only ensure that innocent civilians are defenseless against a criminal.

Meanwhile, these laws do nothing to stop someone intent on causing harm.

In this one case, the left was hit with a setback. But how many more ridiculous restrictions will Democrats push onto law-abiding citizens?

Key Takeaways:

  • A federal judge halted a new gun control law from going into effect in Colorado
  • The law would ban Americans under the age of 21 from buying a firearm.
  • The law was passed after a 22-year-old man killed victims at a nightclub.

Source: Daily Wire

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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