Famous Comedian Stuns America with Trump Declaration – Then Takes a Shot at Every Dem in D.C.
Famous Comedian Stuns America with Trump Declaration – Then Takes a Shot at Every Dem in D.C.

When liberals and conservatives, two factions often at odds, find common ground on a specific point of contention, it’s a noteworthy event. In an era of deep political division, such alignments are rare and therefore, their occurrence holds significant weight.

It’s a rare sight indeed when a liberal, known for their progressive views, aligns with a conservative and then proceeds to critique his own group. This act of dissent, particularly from prominent liberals, who are challenging the radical extremists dominating the liberal narrative, is a testament to their courage and independent thinking.

Comedian Jon Stewart, a figure known for his liberal views, made a significant statement when he voiced agreement with former President Donald Trump on a controversial issue. His subsequent critique of liberals was delivered with the force of a comedian taking down a heckler in a nightclub, underscoring the gravity of his stance.

From Breitbart:
In a recent appearance on fellow comedian Tom Segura’s podcast, Jon Stewart spoke about the recent guilty verdict in Trump’s business records case in deep-blue New York City.

Stewart agreed with Trump’s repeated contention that the system is “rigged” against him though the comedian disagreed on what to do about it.

“Somebody can be right about a diagnosis and wrong about the remedy. So he can diagnose the system as rigged, and it obviously is,” Stewart said. “The interesting thing is once that gets exposed, a reformer comes in and says, I’m going to straighten this out and make it fairer.”

It must have taken a toll on Stewart to admit liberals have rigged the judicial system against the former president. The comedian acknowledged the reality and then popped off at Trump. At least he balanced the insult with a rip at his leftist pals.

Stewart hammered the left’s efforts to eliminate Trump from the November 2024 presidential election ballot, no matter the cost.

“Everything other than just have a better idea,” Stewart said.

The case against Trump in New York screamed of liberal-infused bias throughout the trial. A jury in deep blue New York City decided to convict Trump on all 34 counts in his business records case.

Prominent conservatives as well as independents condemned the trial as a politically motivated prosecution, or “lawfare,” designed to twist November’s election in Biden’s favor.

Conservative media and legal scholars have claimed that the judge overseeing the case, New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan, is a Biden donor — a violation of judicial ethics rules.

Stewart, if he wanted to prove his relevance as a political pundit, should stand firm against leftists and promote Trump’s innocence.

Key Takeaways:

  • Comedian Jon Stewart agreed with Trump that the system is “obviously” rigged.
  • The sometimes-political pundit entered rare territory with his Trump support.
  • Stewart slammed fellow liberals for attempting to remove Trump from the ballot.

Source: Breitbart

June 8, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.