Victor Davis Hanson Slams Kamala’s Chances, Claims New Interviews “Blew Up” Her Campaign
By Mick Farthing|October 11, 2024
Victor Davis Hanson Slams Kamala’s Chances, Claims New Interviews “Blew Up” Her Campaign

Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ shining hope for 2024, continues to underwhelm on the national stage. From interviews to public speeches, her ability to string together coherent, impactful sentences seems to be lacking.

Whether she’s awkwardly laughing through serious moments or delivering baffling “word salads” in response to simple questions, Harris has proven herself to be unimpressive in the very situations where she needs to shine. She’s not new to politics, but you wouldn’t know it by watching her interviews.

Why do Democrats seem so eager to push someone clearly out of her depth? It’s a déjà vu of sorts. Remember how they ignored Joe Biden’s decline? Despite obvious signs of cognitive issues, they rallied behind him, ignoring all the red flags. And now, they’re doing the same with Harris.

It’s as if Democrats have a strange fascination with elevating the most incompetent candidates to the highest office in the land. The American people can see right through it, even if the left doesn’t want to admit it.

From Daily Caller:
Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson said Thursday on his podcast that he believes former President Donald Trump has the potential to win “big” in November as Vice President Kamala Harris continues to stumble in media interviews…

“But a lot of people do find that, especially independent and swing voters, and right now Kamala Harris is terrifying a large number of Democrats and independents,” Hanson said. “Because they think, ‘Do I really want to be represented for four years by this empty pantsuit? Do I really want to?”

Harris Stumbles, Trump Gains

Political commentator Victor Davis Hanson didn’t hold back in a recent episode of his podcast. According to Hanson, Harris’ inability to handle media interviews is terrifying Democrats and swing voters alike. Take, for example, her disastrous appearance on The View, where she was asked a softball question—whether she’d change anything about the last four years of Biden’s presidency.

Her answer? “Not a thing that comes to mind.” Not only did she fail to distance herself from Biden’s unpopular presidency, but she also blew a perfect opportunity to showcase any independent thinking.

Hanson painted a picture of a flailing Harris campaign, noting that she’s scaring off independents and even some Democrats. “She doesn’t know how to speak, she can’t answer a question,” Hanson said. He described her as an “empty pantsuit”—a damning portrayal for someone aspiring to the presidency.

Hanson even advised Trump to simply let Harris speak for herself, believing that her own words were damaging enough to sink her campaign. Trump doesn’t need to hurl insults when Harris’ blunders do the work for him.

A Tightening Race

Hanson also highlighted a growing sense of optimism in Republican circles. He pointed out that down-ballot races for the Senate and House are tightening up, and if Republicans can flip those seats, Trump could be in an even stronger position.

A Republican-controlled House and Senate would be a nightmare for Democrats and a golden opportunity for Trump to push through his agenda.

The numbers don’t lie, and neither does Harris’ poor performance in interviews. Her inability to inspire confidence among swing voters is creating a path for Trump to not only win the presidency but also gain control of both chambers of Congress.

Hanson believes Trump is in a position to win “big” if he focuses on what he does best—delivering results and sticking to his message, while Harris continues to implode in the public eye.

Word Salad and Winking Won’t Cut It

Harris has become known for giving nonsensical responses during interviews, which some political pundits warn could be her downfall. Hanson referenced a particularly embarrassing interview with 6ABC Philadelphia, where she fumbled her explanation on how to make life more affordable.

Instead of addressing the question, she veered off into a bizarre tangent about her middle-class upbringing and the importance of lawns. Yes, lawns. This is the woman the Democrats want running the country?

Harris’ campaign has been riddled with these moments, and it’s no wonder that even Democrats are starting to sweat. Hanson suggested that Trump should avoid personal attacks and simply point voters to Harris’ own words. “Just listen to her,” he advised, implying that Harris herself is the best advertisement for Trump’s candidacy.

Key Takeaways

  • Kamala Harris is struggling: Her interviews and speeches fail to inspire confidence, even among her own supporters.
  • Victor Davis Hanson sees trouble ahead: Harris is alienating voters, and Republicans are seeing an opportunity to win big.
  • Trump doesn’t need to attack Harris: Her own missteps are enough to convince voters to look elsewhere.

Source: Daily Caller

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.