With Joe Biden out and Kamala Harris in, Democrats are panicking. Harris is a terrible candidate. And they don’t have time to convince voters otherwise.
All the money in the world won’t be able to erase Harris and Biden’s failures. Meanwhile, Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt and is stronger than ever.
Cue what the liberal media does best: invent fake news stories to intimidate voters away from supporting Trump.
And liberal rag The Atlantic came up with a doozy. They have taken comments Trump made to Christians during an event waaaay out of context. Only an idiot would believe what they said. But the media will keep pounding this claim as hard as they can, knowing that it is the only way Harris has a ghost of a chance. Now, the facts are coming in clear.
From Breitbart:
The Atlantic has published an article claiming that former President Donald Trump promised Christian supporters that he will end elections if he takes office in 2025…“You won’t have to do it anymore,” Trump said at the Turning Point Believers’ Summit in Florida. “It’ll be fixed; it’ll be fine; you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians.”…
Trump was joking with Christian voters who are generally wary of participation in electoral politics, telling them that if he wins the election he will make voting so secure that their votes will no longer be needed in future to overcome the possibility of cheating by Democrats.
Liberals Distort the Facts… Again
The liberal outlet claimed Trump was promising to make “elections meaningless” something Democrats have been working toward for years. Or, they suggested Trump was going to end all elections if he returned to power.
As usual, the liberal media was taking Trump’s comments out of context and spinning a narrative that isn’t even remotely real. Anyone who pays attention to Trump’s agenda knows he has no intention of ending U.S. elections.
In fact, Trump’s agenda has focused on ending election fraud, something Democrats have been shockingly unwilling to fix. Trump has vowed to make elections fair and legal, while blue states do the exact opposite. Trump’s comments to these voters meant they no longer had to fear election interference. He was so confident he’d fix the problem that they wouldn’t even have to vote anymore… an obvious joke.
The Double Standard
For four years, Joe Biden has said shocking things. He’s often insulted people of color or women or foreign allies. He has made vows that appear to violate the Constitution or challenge the limits of his power.
Most of the time, the media has laughed off these alarming statements—claiming Joe was “joking.” If you were to analyze the context of these situations, however, that excuse rarely worked. Biden’s deranged comments were either signs of his dementia or actual plans cooked up by his socialist party.
But when Trump makes an obvious joke, the media is quick to distort the context to spread hysteria. Is this new at all? The liberal media is running scared because their guy dropped out, and their best option is a yes-woman with no credibility. They are working overtime to come up with a new angle to smear Trump, since the legal challenges against him are quickly evaporating.
Political Fallout
It’s been so many years, yet the media has learned nothing. How many times will they lie about Trump—only for it to blow up in their faces? The MSM will run with this lie for a while. Harris might even repeat it since she doesn’t have an original thought in her head. But, as usual, Trump will disprove them, shattering their reputations once again.
When are Americans just going to stop believing these liars?
Key Takeaways:
- Liberal outlet The Atlantic claimed Trump said he was going to end U.S. elections.
- The magazine took a quote out of context to malign the former president.
- Trump was joking about how effective he will be at fixing our current election system.
Source: Breitbart