Dershowitz Drops Shock Trump Prediction – This is What the Supreme Court Will Do
By Mick Farthing|August 2, 2023
Dershowitz Drops Shock Trump Prediction – This is What the Supreme Court Will Do

What’s Happening:

Once again, Democrats within the government have indicted Donald Trump. Democrats in New York State indicted him over supposed business accusations. Biden’s DOJ already indicted him over documents he kept at his home. But this is the big one: Bidne’s DOJ is now indicting Trump over claims he tried to overturn the 2020 Election.

Democrats have been accusing Trump of this since 2021. But they have apparently failed to convince Americans of this claim. Now, they are taking this case to what will most likely be a biased jury in Washington, D.C. Legal expert Alan Dershowitz is weighing in on this case. And he has a big prediction.

From The Post Millennial:

“I think he may lose in the court of appeals for the DC Circuit, but he will probably win in the United States Supreme Court … When you have the president of the United States and his people going after his opponent in a political election, it has to be beyond reproach. It has to be without any problem, it has to be the strongest case in history. This doesn’t meet this standard.”

Constitutional expert Alan Dershowitz discussed the latest attempt by Democrats to control our elections–I mean, their latest indictment of Donald Trump. Dershowitz explained that the left’s case hinges on claims that Trump believed he lost, but went about trying to change the outcome of the election.

But Dershowitz says that there “is no smoking gun.” There does not appear to be evidence that shows Trump ever said he lost the election. Even to this day, Trump maintains that he won. Democrats will have to prove, somehow, that Trump believed he lost.

Dershowitz also explained that Trump’s lawyers will try to move the case out of D.C. since he is unlikely to get a fair trial there. Regardless of where the case is held, Dershowitz believes Trump will lose in the initial ruling.

Trump will be able to appeal, taking it all the way to the Supreme Court. And Biden and his DOJ will have to prove to the highest court in the land why they went to such great lengths to attack their biggest political rival. Unless the evidence is “beyond reproach” the court will rule against Democrats.

Meanwhile, though, our nation and our entire electoral system will be dragged through an endless, miserable battle. We will have to put up with liberals spewing more hate toward a man loved by millions of Americans. By the time the dust has settled (which could be years from now), who knows how much damage this trial will do to our country?

All so that Joe Biden can win another term.

Key Takeaways:

  • Constitutional expert Alan Dershowitz claims Trump will lose his latest indictment.
  • Dershowitz doesn’t believe he will get a fair trial.
  • However, he claims that the case will be taken to the Supreme Court, where it will be overturned.

Source: The Post Millennial

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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