Days After Democrat Executes ‘Unconstitutional’ Order – Brave Sheriff Stands Up and Shoots It Down
By Sean Kerrvin|September 12, 2023
Days After Democrat Executes ‘Unconstitutional’ Order – Brave Sheriff Stands Up and Shoots It Down

What’s Happening:

An unconstitutional order from a Democrat governor is facing serious backlash from one of the elected officials needed to enforce any violations to the order. The situation has two top officials standing off against one another in public like an old Wild West shootout.

Violating the rights of the American people never goes over well, but the liberal governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, didn’t seem to get the message. She issued an order Friday to suspend open and concealed gun carry for 30 days in Bernalillo County and Albuquerque. The order goes against the Constitution and a key law enforcement officer in the county has called out the governor.

Sheriff John Allen of Bernalillo County said the governor has overstepped her authority by suspending the Constitution by using a public health emergency order. That order, Allen argued, violates the Second Amendment and potential “political violence” could make it dangerous to enforce.

From the Daily Caller:

“It’s unconstitutional, so there’s no way we can enforce that order,” Allen said. “This ban does nothing to curb gun violence.”

This is a clearer, stronger stance by the sheriff after he initially voiced concern of the emergency order on Friday. The issues he raised then included enhancing the already high crime-rate in the county and the order only punishing law-abiding citizens.

“Let me be clear: I hold my standards high, and I do not, and never will, hedge on what is right,” Allen said. “My oath is to protect the constitution, and that is what I will do.”

Allen is backed by bipartisan criticism over the past few days where liberal politicians and celebrities have mirrored conservative voices exclaiming the governor’s order unconstitutional and dangerous. Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu of California, and David Hogg, a survivor of the Parkland shooting and a vocal gun control activist, have both harshly criticized Lujan Grisham’s order.

News reports show that the National Association for Gun Rights sued the governor within 24 hours of the order taking effect, and Republican lawmakers in New Mexico have called for impeachment proceedings against her.

One of the most telling statements about the ineffectiveness of this emergency order came after a reporter’s question at the Monday press conference, as reported by Breitbart. The negative impact on criminals by banning concealed carry is clear in the governor’s response.

A reporter asked Lujan Grisham, “Do you think that criminals are going to hear this message and not carry a gun in Albuquerque, on the streets, for 30 days?”

Grisham responded, “Ah… no.”

The order has sparked an upswell in condemnation of the governor from citizens in New Mexico, according to State Rep. John Block (R). He told a news outlet that his “constituents have reached out to me in droves, emailing and texting me that this is insane, this is horrifying, this is unconstitutional.”

Lujan Grisham should listen to the people and rescind the order immediately. This standoff needs to come to a peaceful end.

Key Takeaways:

  • New Mexico sheriff draws a line against governor’s “emergency” order.
  • Law enforcement says the ban on concealed carry guns is “unconstitutional.”
  • Sheriff made it clear that the order can’t be enforced and it won’t stop crime.

Source: Daily Caller, Breitbart

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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