Democrat Leader’s “Enemy List” Under Fire – And Now She’s in Deep Legal Trouble
By Mick Farthing|August 12, 2023
Democrat Leader’s “Enemy List” Under Fire – And Now She’s in Deep Legal Trouble

What’s Happening:

How far will Democrats go to defend their agenda? During the pandemic, Democrat governors and mayors gave themselves unprecedented power over our country. Even when lawmakers voted to revoke their powers, some Democrats vetoed. It seems they can’t give up the power they give themselves. And anyone who threatens their power might end up in trouble.

The mayor of Boston was one of many Democrats who imposed radical restrictions in 2020 and beyond. In a free society, Americans can express their disgust for failed leadership–even criticize a mayor. But Mayor Wu apparently didn’t appreciate being held accountable for her decisions. And now, we are learning what steps she took that might have jeopardized residents’ liberties.

From The Blaze:

The mayor of Boston, Massachusetts, may be called to testify under oath regarding an “enemies list” her office created now that a judge has ruled that it is a valid part of discovery for a criminal case allegedly involving one of her “enemies.” […]

The list included the names of 15 individuals who had allegedly expressed harsh criticisms of the mayor, especially regarding COVID vaccine mandates for city workers.

This is troubling. The mayor of Boston compiled an “enemies list” of fifteen locals who criticized her COVID mandates. Mayor Wu’s office is claiming that the list was compiled at the request of the Boston Police Department.

Oh, really? They wanted the mayor to make this list and call it her “enemies list”? Don’t the police have their own resources to compile and investigate dangerous individuals? Does it sound at all reasonable to you that an elected official was keeping tabs on her “enemies?”

And why are people who express criticism of a Democrat immediately brandished an “enemy”? I thought this was America. I thought Americans can say what they wanted, thanks to the First Amendment. A public official’s job is to serve the public.

If the public is critical, that means the official is failing to do her job. It doesn’t automatically mean those people are her “enemies.” I find it troubling that this Democrat labeled people her enemies for simply speaking out against her policies.

But this seems to be where the Democratic Party is headed. If you defy them, if you disagree, you are an enemy. And if they are in power, they will use the resources of the government to shut you down. Sound familiar?

Democrats are looking more and more like the very fascists they claim to oppose. How long before anyone that says something against the party is thrown in jail? Perhaps that’s already happening?

Key Takeaways:

  • Mayor Wu of Boston might testify over an “enemies list” she complied.
  • The list contains the names of 15 locals who are critical of her decisions.
  • This comes a Democrats appear increasingly hostile to anyone who opposes them.

Source: The Blaze

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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