Most people agree that the circumstances happening in 2020 largely helped Joe Biden win the election. Voters blamed Trump for the fallout of the pandemic. And Democrats pushed mail-in ballots to bring out people who would have otherwise not voted.
But Biden has been president for four years. He can’t lean on COVID to get elected again. He will need to run on his record since entering office.
And a top Democrat adviser has some bad news for him. Biden’s poor approval numbers and sagging polls spell trouble for the Democrat incumbent. If Trump gains just a slight upper hand, it’ll be all over for old Joe.
From Breitbart:
President Joe Biden faces a much “tougher” path than his opponent to obtain the 270 electoral college votes needed to win the presidential election, longtime Democrat adviser Doug Sosnik wrote in the New York Times…If former President Donald Trump wins one or more of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, Biden’s chances of obtaining to 270 electoral votes becomes narrow, he said.
Democrat adviser Doug Sosnik explained that if Trump wins just one or more of a few key swing states, Biden has little chance of earning the needed 270 electoral votes needed to stay in power. Polls show Trump is leading Biden in five out of six key swing states.
Moreover, Sosnik points out that other factors are hurting Biden’s chances. Biden can’t count on Michigan, despite winning it in 2020. Voters in that state might be so upset with Biden’s economy that they’ll swing back to Trump, as they did in 2016.
On top of that, Biden can’t count on winning states like Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia. He won those states in 2020 thanks to young and minority voters. But both groups are turning on Biden en masse—due largely to his failed economic policies.
Democrats had a chance to find another candidate but rejected possible figures to stick with Joe Biden. Now, with many factors weighing against him, Democrats might be in panic mode. Robert Kennedy and several other leftist candidates might steal enough votes from Joe that winning 270 would be impossible.
Key Takeaways:
- Democrat adviser Doug Sosnik claims Biden has “tough” reelection odds.
- He claimed Biden will have a hard time winning Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia.
- If Trump wins one or more of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, Biden could be toast.
Source: Breitbart