Top Candidate Receives “Best Answer” Award – Viewers Agree This Was a Major Win
By Mick Farthing|August 24, 2023
Top Candidate Receives “Best Answer” Award – Viewers Agree This Was a Major Win

What’s Happening:

It seems like everyone is talking about this week’s GOP presidential debate. Even Democrats couldn’t keep away, getting triggered by people who just might get Joe Biden fired. The debate was fiery, more than anyone expected. And more than a few moments are going viral.

But perhaps the person who is quickly becoming an unexpected leader is Vivek Ramaswamy. Like Donald Trump, he comes from the private sector to challenge the radical left. He has a few good jabs during the debates. But this one answer has seemed to lit a fire under voters. And some are calling it the best answer of the night.

From Fox News:

“So part of the problem is we also have a federal government that pays single women more not to have a man in the house than to have a man in the house contributing to an epidemic of fatherlessness…”

Ramaswamy was praised by conservatives on social media for bringing up the issue of the disintegrating nuclear family.

Ramaswamy struck a chord with voters when he discussed the epidemic of fatherlessness in America. He pointed out that government welfare programs reward women who do not have a father in the home.

This, Vivek said, has led to a fatherless epidemic. And he said this “goes hand in glove” with the education crisis and poverty. He called the “nuclear family” the “greatest form of governance know to mankind.”

At a time when the left appears to be trying to erode the family, Ramaswamy stood up for traditional families with mothers and fathers in the home.

Conservatives were quick to praise Ramaswamy for his answer. One person said this was the “best answer” by any candidate during the debate. It is possible this response has helped Ramaswamy gain stock with many voters.

In a hotly contested field, candidates must stand out, if they want to stand a chance. Primary voting is still many months away. And while Trump might be leading in some polls, a moment like this can propel Ramaswamy ahead of the competition.

Who knows? In a few months, Ramaswamy might be leading the entire pack.

Key Takeaways:

  • Conservatives praised a response from Ramaswamy during the GOP debate.
  • Ramaswamy decried the fatherless crisis in America, praising the nuclear family.
  • Users online said this was the “best answer” of the debate.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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