Boycott List Grows with Famous Product – Popular Candy Packaging Goes Full-On Woke
By Sean Kerrvin|August 14, 2023
Boycott List Grows with Famous Product – Popular Candy Packaging Goes Full-On Woke

What’s Happening:

People everywhere enjoy tasty treats that often add a bit of happiness. Children delight in all things sugary and look forward to them as rewards for everything from doing well on a school project to getting chores done.

Now everyone can enjoy more wokeness to go along with their next sugary fix. The largest candy company in the world has expanded its woke branding to tempt and delight candy lovers with a bold new message about gender.

From The Daily Wire:

Skittles is facing backlash after images of its “Pride” packaging, featuring pro-trans statements, went viral on social media Friday.

Satisfying that sugar fix with a handful of Skittles now means you are supporting all things Pride. As reported, Skittles candy packaging advertises slogans such as “Black Trans Lives Matter” and “Joy Is Resistance.” Skittles is owned by candy giant Mars, and this company has a proud history of supporting LGBTQ+ causes and activities.

The Skittles website almost shouts out the pride for its fourth year ““to support the LGBTQ+ community by amplifying and celebrating their stories.” And Skittles puts its money where its mouth is saying it will “donate $1 for every Skittles Pride pack sold to GLAAD in support of their ongoing efforts to work through media to combat anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination.”

Skittles fans can rest easy knowing their money is going to a cause that seeks to change the minds of adults and children with sugary temptations that fund woke causes. Isn’t that what candy is all about?

This messaging goes far and wide with more than 75% of Gen Z adults holding a favorable impression of Skittles, according to a Morning Consult survey released last year. That is a target rich demographic for woke messaging. Social media reaction among conservatives begs to differ with Mars’ take on using its candies for woke agendas.

“[Skittles] is trying to turn your kids into BLM & LGBTQ+ activists,” popular account Libs of TikTok wrote on X. “Their packaging also features a drag queen. Skittles have gone completely woke.”

How many other candies do people enjoy that are manufactured and promoted by Mars or other woke companies? Now might be a good time to jump off the candy maker rainbow train. Why not take a minute to pick a natural color from the garden and enjoy a banana, apple, or cherry for that sugar fix? Beats popping chemically enhanced sugar pills from a woke company trying to turn young people into leftist activists.

Key Takeaways:

  • Product packaging promotes more woke ideas for young people.
  • Largest candy company gives big money to LGBTQ+ causes.
  • Conservatives call out candy maker for using treats as propaganda.

Source: The Daily Wire

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.

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