After Blue State Takes Away 1 Right from Catholics – They Return Fire with Massive Legal Move
By Mick Farthing|August 12, 2023
After Blue State Takes Away 1 Right from Catholics – They Return Fire with Massive Legal Move

What’s Happening:

As we’ve seen time and time again, Democrats in blue states seem to be turning against religious Americans. Christian schools are denied funding available to other private schools.

In one state, the media partnered with the state to “investigate” Jewish schools. Joe Biden is even threatening to take away school lunches, from those who disagree with his administration’s radical agenda.

But this one story really blows them all away. A couple was going through state agents to join the foster program. God knows we need good parents to help foster children. They earned high marks; the father is even an Iraq War veteran and small business owner.

But they were denied because as Catholics, they reject the leftist state’s radical gender agenda. They are not taking this lying down. From The Washington Examiner:

Helped by the Becket Law legal aid group, Mike and Kitty Burke filed suit on Aug. 8 against state officials who rejected their application to be foster parents. In an exhaustive screening process, state agents gave the Burkes high marks and glowing comments, but the state turned them down because their Catholic “faith is not supportive” of the state’s promotion of transgender medical procedures. The Burkes’ beliefs on sexuality were the sole reason for the denial.

This is unbelievable. The Burkes received glowing comments and high marks, as they applied to be foster parents. Mike Burke is an Iraq War veteran and business owner. His wife, Kitty, is a former special education caregiver. If there was ever a couple worthy of fostering children, it’s them.

Yet the leftists within Massachusetts foster system rejected them because the Burkes don’t think children should be subjected to irreversible procedures that alter their bodies and screw with their hormones.

Like many other Democrat-run states, Massachusetts promotes transgender procedures on minors. Despite the fact that red states have banned this practice, citing evidence of how it harms children, Democrats have only doubled down in their support for marring children’s bodies.

The Burkes have sued and could strike a blow against the left’s radical transgender agenda. Democrats in public schools specifically promote transgenderism to vulnerable children. In some states, they even advise teachers to not tell parents about what they are telling students.

For the state to deny a family’s entrance into the foster program over their faith could be seen as a violation of the First Amendment. Massachusetts is allegedly discriminating against these Americans because of their religious views.

This is a battle that could reach higher courts. And it could have ramifications for the transgender movement.

Key Takeaways:

  • Massachusetts denied a family’s entrance into the foster program because of their Catholic views.
  • The state turned the Burkes down because their faith does not support its leftist transgender agenda.
  • The Burkes sued the state, in a challenge to the left’s transgender policies.

Source: The Washington Examiner

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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