Blue City Just Made an Unthinkable Move – Residents Will Pay Dearly For Woke Agenda Item
By Mick Farthing|August 1, 2023
Blue City Just Made an Unthinkable Move – Residents Will Pay Dearly For Woke Agenda Item

What’s Happening:

It’s become a running joke that Democrat-run cities are uninhabitable. The radical, woke policies of Democrat leaders have made once-beloved cities literal trash heaps. Crime is out of control. Businesses and residents are fleeing. Drug abuse and addiction are at epidemic levels. And there seems to be no end in sight.

Democrats apparently refuse to admit their policies created this perfect storm of disaster. In one blue city, they dumped their failed mayor… and replaced her with an even more radical leftist. The current mayor is refusing to do what is necessary to curtail a major crisis. Instead, he plans on making it much worse–at the expense of hard-working Americans.

From The Post Millennial:

Chicago is considering implementing a new policy that would increase property taxes on properties over $1 million, and use that revenue to pay for homeless shelters…

Under the Bring Chicago Home plan, those who own properties valued at over $1 million would see their tax rate skyrocket from 0.75 percent to 2.65 percent.

During a meeting of the City Council’s housing committee on Thursday, members explained that the policy, if implemented correctly, could bring in more than $163 million per year. That money would then be used to build homeless shelters and otherwise assist the unhoused population, according to Fox Business.

So, not only will Chicago enable and reward homelessness, but it will end up driving businesses out of the city at an alarming rate.

The mayor of the city refuses to deal with the real causes of homelessness, which has gotten so bad, even the airport is overrun.

Unchecked crime, poverty, legalized drugs, and high costs of living are driving factors to homelessness. Mayor Johnson, a radical socialist, believes the solution is to build more homeless shelters, which will do nothing to stop the causes of the epidemic.

And he wants to do this by dramatically raising property taxes on buildings that are worth $1 million or more.

I don’t have enough time to explain how stupid this decision is.

First of all, we are living at a time when office space has become nearly worthless. Thanks to the COVID lockdowns, many office buildings in major cities are empty. The building owners are trying to dump the properties, because they are no longer bringing in revenue. So, increasing taxes on these buildings will only encourage their owners to abandon them.

Raising property taxes on expensive homes? What makes Johnson think rich liberals in Chicago will stand for that? They’ll just move.

And why should anyone believe that this estimated $163 million will go to building shelters? The second the greedy local government sees this money, the last thing they’ll do with it is build shelters.

This is just another con by Democrats using a crisis to line their pockets.

Key Takeaways:

  • Chicago’s mayor wants to raise property taxes to build more homeless shelters.
  • This comes as blue cities contribute to an exploding homeless crisis.
  • The plan will dramatically raise taxes, potentially driving more businesses out of the city.

Source: The Post Millennial

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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